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Everything posted by Swivelhead

  1. Swivelhead

    AZ; Ready to Rumble?

    Maricopa County Flood Control has a decent site & map for local rainfall, radar, etc. Tons of rain gauges across the valley. https://alert.fcd.maricopa.gov/alert/Google/v3/gmap.html
  2. Swivelhead

    Sheep charges

    Congrats to all you 2021 sheep tag holders. Sheep hunting is as good as it gets.
  3. Swivelhead

    Hits Started

    13B! Took 19 years to get it.
  4. Swivelhead

    Outdoor Writer (Tony)

    Social media is not for everyone. Acidic responses to posts/opinions are part of it.
  5. Swivelhead

    Outdoor Writer (Tony)

    Not much sport in kicking an old dog ........
  6. Swivelhead

    Tons of Critters at the Waterhole

    Outstanding video. Thx for posting.
  7. Swivelhead


    Hate to think how many times I've watched that movie. Such a classic.
  8. Swivelhead

    Arizona's Mnt Rushmore of Hunting

    Amanda Moor Without her site we'd likely have a Utah style "Sportsmen for Wildlife" organization whoring out a substantial number of AZ's best hunting permits. CWT.com has educated a great many outdoorsmen and women of all ages. Current events affecting AZ outdoors rarely escapes the vigilant members of this site. Backdoor deals usually get sniffed out and are brought to light right here on CWT. Good on you Amanda! Lamel Ellsworth, John Russo, Bob Hirsch, etc., too many to name!
  9. Swivelhead

    Annual Cwt tuna trip

    Thanks guys, it was amazing to see 100# fish coming over the rail. Had sashimi last night, outstanding!
  10. Swivelhead

    Annual Cwt tuna trip

    Boarded the Success 11 am Friday morning, got bait and motored south. The whole fleet was approximately 60 miles out. Saw a fair amount of whales and a few dolphin pods in the area where the fleet was fishing. Got my 1st fish Saturday afternoon, the fish taped 196# and weighed 184# gilled, gutted and bled at the processor. Fish was hooked on a balloon rig that suspended a mullet with a 20/0 circle hook. The reel was the boats 50W 2 speed Avet spooled with 130# braid and a 250# leader. Fish had power like I've never felt, ever! Probably took 30 minutes from strike to gaff. I was spent. Caught a 100# +/- fish that weighed 85# gilled, gutted and bled @ processor. Got the fish Sunday afternoon on a sinker rig using a sardine for bait. Rod/reel combo was my personal rig, a 2 speed Avet spooled with 80# mono and a 80# fluoro leader. That fish took me 30 minutes from strike to gaff. Again, I was spent. Missed a few strikes and broke off what was likely a very nice fish. Caught a 30# fish too. My friend caught his limit, the fish were 30 - 60#. My buddy and I were among the least experienced anglers on the boat, fellow anglers came well prepared and had a ton of experience. They caught a lot of fish and shared their knowledge, cool people who were fun to fish with. Learned a lot on this trip. Not sure of the actual fish count but I'd say there at least six 100# +/- bluefin caught including another balloon fish that went 150# IIRC. Cary put us on fish, he is relentless. Deckhands were good, food was a "B", good but not great. Great trip, go now!
  11. Swivelhead

    Annual Cwt tuna trip

    Going on a 3 day this weekend. Hoping to get my 1st 100+ pounder.
  12. Swivelhead

    Lion or Large Bobcat

    Bobcat. I think I see dark spots on the front legs.
  13. Swivelhead

    Pray for me, my wife is already with god.

    Don't know what to say, but I will pray for you and your family.
  14. Swivelhead

    Cable stop alignment

    I don't see a problem. Rotate the string stop to where it captures the string. Appears to simply be out of adjustment to me. String stop on my Hoyt loosens periodically and requires attention. String stops take substantial abuse. That being said, the bow is new to you and a trip to a quality pro shop is not a bad idea.
  15. Swivelhead

    Bison reduction project

    I believe the NPS position not allowing pack animals is arbitrary. The park is already trampled by bovines. If anything, NPS should be hiring a stock contractor to remove bison from the field for a multitude of reasons. Meat quality being #1 and it's always cool to see a pack train.
  16. Swivelhead

    Bison reduction project

    Personally, I would not touch this upcoming circus with a ten foot pole.
  17. Swivelhead

    Whats the deal with unit 10?

    Yes, yes, & yes. Odds are you won't get another tag for 8-10 years. Make the best of what you've got. Congrats on the tag.
  18. Swivelhead

    Archery bull scouting

    Pay attention to trees rubbed from prior years. Usually, rubs will be found near bedding areas or feeding/rutting areas. This is a good indication of where the bulls will be during September. Congrats on drawing a ticket to the dance.
  19. Swivelhead

    Losing Little by Little!

  20. Swivelhead

    Losing Little by Little!

    Good to hear from you TJ. Curious, is your elk tag streak still alive?
  21. Swivelhead

    Zeiss 15x60 help

    Zeiss 15 X 60 - the very best in their day. http://company7.com/zeiss/binoculars/1560bga.html
  22. Swivelhead

    Updates on Outdoor Writer ???

    Lot of good people don't post here anymore. Too bad. I do believe we owe each other a certain amount of respect but it IS the internet, leave your feelings at the door.
  23. Swivelhead

    New 15s.... looking for some input

    Don't have any experience with the HD Meoptas but will agree that the 15X56 Zeiss Conquests are very good. When using my Conquests I find that IPD is critical to overall ease of use. When IPD is right the binos are easily focused, wrong and they are "fussy".
  24. Swivelhead

    Nobody / anybody

    Point creep is real. Had a great hunt. Saw a lot of antelope with a selection of very nice bucks. Had no issues with fellow antelope hunters but had a number of enounters with people scouting for elk. Ended up with a nice buck. My 5B lope is fantastic table fare, as good or better than coues deer. Save every scrap when you finally get a tag.