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Posts posted by muledeerarea33?

  1. me and my dad were in 28 hunting about 10 years ago and found an old wagon wheel burried about half way in the dirt. took us a few hours but we got it dug out I guess where we were there used to be an old wagon trail running thru like a 100 or so years ago. the second thing I found wasnt exactly on a hunting trip. I was going up to showlow to visit my grandfather and while driving thru saltriver canyon on the ontop of one of the picknick tables at the pullouts was an indian man with paint on his face and a knife in his back!! I was by myself with no cell phone at about midnight. I was so frieking scared I hauled butt to the gas station up the road tried to tell the lady what I saw but was shaking and couldnt talk :blink: I never found out what happened with that one but it was surely an eye opening experience and kept my butt awake for the rest of the trip.

  2. I am a technician for VW (the new ones, lol) in Tucson we do some audi and porsche. so if any of you are so unfortunate to be driving germanies finest and need some help let me know. I also do side jobs on about everytype of vehicle if you need help there too

  3. Bull,


    From what I have read on the AZ game and fish website, some sheep are transplants and there might only be a couple hundred in a unit (I think that was 27). That would definately be looking for the proverbial needle. Good luck to you guys!-Shiras



    in 27 there are more dang sheep than rabbits every day my mom drives to work up there she gets pissed off about all the tourists going up the trail stopping in the road to look at the sheep :ph34r: she calls them the grenlee county rats :lol:

  4. went out scouting in 33 for javi on sunday with 25-06 and coues archer and coues archers boy. It was nice to get together with other people from the site and go out and have a good time. we didnt see any javi but we did see 2 doe and a jack rabbit :) and I got to shoot one dove :) . I just hope we helped you out a little coues archer finding a spot in 33 to go even though we didnt see any javi. but I had a great time and wanted to say thanks guys for inviting me to go.

  5. personally I feel that being out there and having fun is what its all about and a trophy is just extra. I cant speak for everyone but thats probally how everyone feels on this site. I think it might come across in some posts that a "big inch buck" is all that its about but really its not. I struck out on my mulie hunt earlier this month after walking my fat butt almost to a heart attack :lol: but after all the soreness went away I wasnt dissapointed that i didnt get a deer ( and I wasnt holding out for a trophy I just couldnt get close enough) I was just happy that I was out of the city for a few days doing what I love and what I grew up doing

  6. bchoitz if the deer or any games runs across to new mexico your pretty much screwed unless an officer see it happen. we were in 28 coues hunting (up going towards mule creek) a few years back and had that very thing happen. we of course retreived our game just in time for an officer to drive by and question it. after a long chat and a little arguing and showing him the blood trail ;) we were allowed to go on our way. but it was a pretty crappy situation we were in

  7. ok I got free tickets to the nascar in phoenix on sunday pretty close to the start finish line (GREAT TICKETS!!) I have never been to a nascar race at P.I.R before and really want to go. yet I still have not filled my mulie tag and sunday is the last day to hunt. I am torn between two really cool things that I love. so I am wondering what you all would do?


    p.s. I know all the coues folks are gonna say forget about the mulie hunt :o
