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Everything posted by redline410

  1. redline410

    does anybody know this person?

    Unless I missed my mark, I'm guessing the "Parties" with which the man spoke were the wizards behind the curtain and not the gentlemen who started the thread. tjwking was asked not to speak any longer on the matter and although it may have been his friend/guide that made the request to him, if said friend/guide is representing anyone, you can bet that where the order came from. Making seditious public statements based on opinions derived from limited information is a bad way to go through life. Now, would someone please post a topic showing an actual successful elk hunt?!?!? Dave
  2. redline410

    does anybody know this person?

    Interesting- As a general rule you should probably call into question EVERYTHING on the internet and not single any one person or event out. One person's perception is their reality regardless of the events- can't change it, its human nature. Unless you were sitting there witnessing it, there are two acceptable responses to this thread, either 1) "if thats really what happened thats too bad, better luck next time" or 2) "Cool story bro, tell it again!!!" There is a reason tjwking was asked to stand down I'm sure. Oh and in regards to the other party not responding- If I had to guess, unless my calandar is way off, it is the middle of archery elk season. They are probably hunting elk since, well, that's what most people do when they are fortunate enough to have a tag. Carry on- Dave
  3. redline410

    My Last Chance Coues

    Atta boy Tracy- nice job buddy and great write up. thanks for sharing the hunt with us.... Dave
  4. redline410

    Angie does it AGAIN!!!

    Wow- Nice job Angie, congratulations!!! great write up, thanks for taking us along. Well Tracy, now you get to follow that good luck buddy....
  5. redline410

    Hunters Ed Weekend

    Took my two girls and nephew to the camp this weekend as well. What a cool gig for the kids (and adults). Woody, DeWayne, Bill and the entire crew put on a fantastic camp. Can't say enough about how impressed I was with the whole experience. The way I look at it- if two teenage girls can get through the entire weekend without their phones and I not get annoyed by the whinning, somebody did something right. Also had the privilege of meeting Tracy, Angie, Jackson and their two lion hounds- great people to say the least. Dave
  6. redline410

    2011 elk/Antelope tags

    Archery 27 Amanda.. Congratulations!!!
  7. redline410

    Saturday finds-

    A couple of friends and I made a trip this weekend to check out some old haunts- obviously the elk have found a new place to winter this year but, there was still a few leftovers from the last couple of seasons to make it a good trip. Had a brain cramp and didn't get any ATL's. Truth be told, unless the antlers were white, in the open, and had a ray of sunshine focused directly on them we wouldn't have found them, so most would have looked staged anyway. Matt and Curt with our biggest 3 Bonus feature- I've covered a lot of ground in this area and this is the first time I've come across anything like these. Random. The ancient herb gardens must have been stellar As always, it was a blast fellas- Thanks Dave
  8. redline410

    09' Dec Buck

    Beautiful mount and a nice buck- congrats!!
  9. redline410

    Cousin' in Mexico with Reynaldo

    Congrats again brah- fantastic buck.... those mains are ridiculous.
  10. redline410

    The Puzzle Rock Buck

    Fantastic write up and gorgeous buck Amanda- Congratulations..... Dave
  11. redline410

    Scratched my mule deer itch

    Before last Friday, it had been 7 years since I really hunted for mule deer. All the big bucks that have been going down lately had me in a fighting an internal battle of good and evil and last Sunday, I succumbed to the tantalizing allure of the forked rack..... and to be quite honest, I loved every second of it..... Well, right up to the point I got the pack on for the hump out..... not cool, not cool at all...... So after two days of being speed bagged by his relentless harem of doe, I set out Sunday with very low expectations. Wouldn't you know it, on the opposing ridge, I see this and hour and a half later- bring on the cheese fest! I was reminded that mature mule deer are large critters. Lay one on a 70° incline every little move is an adventure. based on girth alone, I'm thinking he out weighed me by a good 40lbs so I'm not entirely sure why I thought holding on to him would do much good. looking back, if gavity would have taken hold, there was little I was going to stop the decent... Only a 3x4 but my best mule deer by far. Got the mule deer itch scratched... Back to coues come 2012... only 348 more days... Thanks for looking- Dave
  12. redline410

    Archery buck

    WOW, outstanding buck.... congratulations!!
  13. redline410

    Scratched my mule deer itch

    Ha, y'all are getting a little outta control now. There are a few fully functioning brain cells left that are rattling around in that melon of mine. Never gave much credence to the "strong back, weak mind" philosophy and have become fairly proficient at reducing ungulates down to bags of meat and horn. the reference to the pack out was simply comparing the amount of boneless meat one must strap to the pack. pretty sure the cape out weighed my entire coues from last year..... Thanks for all comments- as always, I had a blast.... Dave
  14. redline410

    Muley Down!

    Great buck! the shape and color of those antlers are fantastic.... Big time congrats.....
  15. redline410

    2011 Buck

    Gak- way to go Weston!!! STUD buck......
  16. redline410

    2011 Archery Coues Bucks

    Two stud bucks.... Great job guys.....
  17. redline410

    It's been a good month

    Wow, excellent job. Stud buck......Congrats......
  18. Posted these on another topic but this will give you an idea of what the look like up close- they will definitely let know when you are about to cross the "one more step and I'll cut your heart out" line. And they have the bug diggers to do it. Then there are the little fellas- They are cool, a little mischevious but cool none the less...... Dave
  19. redline410


    Great stories and fantastic bucks gentlemen......
  20. redline410

    The "impact" of a bullet

    Outstanding! that pack out picture is fantastic.... Nice job kiddo!
  21. redline410

    Big Old Desert Muley! 30 4/8"

    Wow, what a buck!! Congatulations......
  22. redline410

    Monster 6x6 Arizona Buck! 2 bucks down! TLO

    Stellar bucks- congratulations to all involved!!! wow......
  23. redline410

    Mrs. Grong gets her first!

    Great buck Jen!! congrats girl...... Dave
  24. redline410

    Harvested 2 Bucks…& saved well over 50

    Outstanding all around Gino- Congratualtions to all......
  25. redline410

    2009 Muleys is back.

    Again buddy, looks fantastic..what a stud buck......