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lyman elctronic powder throw

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i have a lyman 1200dps3 computerized digital 'lectronic reloader powder scale/throw. it's a real piece o' $h!t. anybody else have one o' pieces o' junk. tried to get my kid to throw it up in the air so i could blast it with my 12 guage but because him and his brothers went in on it for my birthday he wouldn't do it. anyway, it won't throw accurate for anything with any powder. used to be great, but was never real good with h4831. worked real well with h4831sc, h4350, varget, etc. now it won't throw accurate with any powder or weight. it's kept clean, isn't missused or abused, yet anyway. anybody have any experience with these steamin' yams? i won't put up with junk for very long. this thing was quite expensive and is supposed to save time and be more accurate, but my old manual rcbs scales are at least 50 times faster and just as accurate. the lyman throws heavy almost every time. and it isn't just a little, half a grain or more most of the time. i've had it weigh heavy for 20-30 times in a row before it will throw an accurate one. and you can't set it up light use the trickler. still throws a big blob all at once. sometimes over a grain with just one bump of the button. i sent lyman an email but if they're like every other customer service jerk i've ever deal with, they won't have anything but hot air and gas about it. anybody have any experience,k good or bad with these things? Lark.

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I have the RCBS Chargemaster, which has better reviews than the others. Its push-pad control panel quit a year ago after about 2 years, but their customer service exchanged it for a new unit, no charge. I timed it to measure 60 gr of 4831 a few days ago and it averaged about 45 seconds for each charge. Seems to be within 0.1 gr if the charge is weighed on a balance after dispensed.



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I have had one for about 3 years now and have run into a couple of issues which were mostly due to my error. The first of which lead to a similar issue you seem to have. If the charge was say 70 grains of whatever.... If I input 70 instead of 70.0 I would get quite a variation. The decimal has to be in place. Another issue I had is that sometimes I would get a grain or two of powder under the pan. I now use a can of compressed air to remove the powder should that happen. One last issue with some powders is the need for the orifice reducer. You should have a small plug that screws into the end of the barrel. I believe with cylinder type powders, this really makes a difference. Other than that, I don't have any issues however, I have heard that some people have issues if there is a floresent light source too close to the unit, there could be interference of some sort. I have not had that problem. Hope that helps!

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