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Met a member's familymember last night

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Last night My neighbor said he needed some help with a friend. He had a little to much to drink and the place he was at was not going to let him drive home. There were multiple people and trucks(with lots of tools in the back) that needed a ride home. We arrived at the place(wont say where it is) and there were 3 people and 3 trucks. I tailed my buddy in his truck as he drove the trucks and their owners home. Before the last trip, they were making fun of a buddy of mine who was not there. They were calling him girly names and the like. I jumped in with a hunting story I had with him... The young lady serving us asked me what unit I was in...So I told her and she replied with that is a good unit...After she came back I asked her if she was a hunter and she said yes. She stated that she just took a 100+coues... I told her what a great task. I asked her if she has ever heard of Coueswhitetail.com and she stated she had family on the site...Never told me any names...She gave me the story of the "Hard Way Lion Buck" I knew then she was related to Coues'n'Sheep.

Well we swapped a few small hunting stories and left with a "See you on the mountain sometime" and introductions. her name is Savannah.

It was the highlight of the night...

P.S.All drunk people and their trucks made it home safe.

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