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archery 12a hunt

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I drew the 12a arch. tag and would like to be able to find some drinkers while up there. does anyone have any info on water up there.....good maps, azgfd water catchment books, places they have seen water in the past?? any info will help.



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I have purchased a couple of reports from http://www.huntunits.com/arizona over the years. Their write up regarding where to hunt follows the standard Arizona Fish & Game hunt unit report so I didn't find too much new info there, however, they do include a detailed list of coordinates and elevations for water sources in the unit. I have found some that they don't include so am not sure what their source is. The list is quite extensive but my experience is it is not "all inclusive". What I do like is the fact that they include elevations so if you want to concentrate say on sources in higher elevations, you can do that very easily. The downside is their report is a locked .pdf file so there isn't any easy way that I have found to sort the latitude and longitude coordinates, they list everything alphabetical.


Good luck.

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There is site called Keys to the Kaibab that sells a map that had a bunch waters shown on it. It only gets you in the ballpark, but it was sort of helpful to have the last couple of years I was up there.



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Sorry guys, KeyToTheKaibab.com is still up but I haven't been able to keep up with it and am no longer selling any products. Mike at http://lakepowells.com is the creator of the "Top Secret Waterhole Map." I recommend contacting him for his product on Kaibab waterholes.

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