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How to Secure Head on Skull Mount

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Can anyone give some advice on how to secure the head on a plaque for euro skull mount? Tie on with wire? Screws/ bolts? Thanks for input.

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You can drill two holes through the plaque and into the skull. Then use a couple drywall screws to attach. If you want some added security then use a little hot glue once you have the screws in.

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Instead of using a plaque, you may want to look at the Skull Hooker (skullhooker.com). You must have the entire skull to make it work, butiIt is a very cool way to display your European mounts because it allows you to tip them up to the correct angle, as well as rotate them to fit the room. I have the old style of both large and small, but the new styles are made better and look even cooler. In addition, if you want to "trade" out heads, you can - put the mule deer on this month, then put up the antelope next month, etc.


Best of all: you don't have to worry about how to secure the skull to anything...

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