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The New Federal Power Grab

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As I stated in my previous post on this forum....It never stops and will never end.

Lark I hope you are the first to comment on this one.


This week anti-hunting forces launched an assault on Congress. The Obama administration, Barbara Boxer (D) California, and John Tester (D) Montana are trying to pass one of the most harmful pieces of anti-hunting legislation in years. Anti-hunting groups and their friends in Congress added the language last Wednesday in a MUST-PASS appropriations bill to take away state management of wildlife. For the first time, this will allow anti-hunting radicals in San Francisco and New York to tell the people of YOUR STATE how to manage its wildlife. It is all being done in the name of allowing for management of wolves. DON'T BE FOOLED.


According to Ryan Benson of Big Game Forever, the governors of Idaho, Wyoming and Montana met with the Obama Administration last week to finalize negotiations intended to return wolves to state wildlife management. Instead, the Obama Administration told the governors they planned on passing a different bill. The bill is dangerous for two reasons: (1) it takes away key constitutional rights of state wildlife management; and (2) transfers the authority to the Obama Administration to dictate to the states how to manage their wildlife. The Governors immediately rejected the bill and thought the issue was dead. Instead, Obama tried to sneak his language onto the spending bill last Wednesday. Ryan was apprised of the language and immediately began working to counter their efforts. The bill will likely go to vote this week. WE MUST STOP THIS FEDERAL POWER GRAB IMMEDIATELY.


WE NEED YOUR HELP. We need YOU along with thousands of sportsmen from across the country to contact their members of Congress. Thousands of anti-hunters are calling and emailing their members of Congress-because they know that calling and emailing does work. Ryan Benson spent the last several weeks in Washington, D.C. working with Senators Hatch ® Utah, McCain ® Arizona, Barrasso ® Wyoming, Risch ® Idaho and other members of Congress to kill the Obama legislation and instead pass a bill that would return wolves to state wildlife managers with no strings attached. Arizona sportsmen have started to engage and we have helped Ryan make a difference in his pursuit on the wolf issue, but there's more work to be done. Every sportsmen state has hundreds of thousands of hunters and fisherman. We outnumber the radicals and we have friends in Congress who need your help. WE CAN WIN THIS BATTLE BY WORKING TOGETHER. ALL IT TAKES IS 2 MINUTES OF YOUR TIME.



(1) Send an email to all of your members of Congress. It just takes 30 seconds. Visit the website http://capwiz.com/biggameforever/home/; Click on the button "Take Action". Using your zip code the system will then help you automatically send an email to all of YOUR Senators, Congressmen and the Obama Administration;

(2) Send this email to 10 friends and ask them to take action. You can use the "Tell a friend" tool at http://capwiz.com/biggameforever/home/; or simply forward this email;

(3) Call Senator Tester's Washington D.C. Office at (202)224-2644. Be professional but tell them that (A) YOU DO NOT SUPPORT HIS BILL on wolf management; (B) You DO support Senator Hatch's bill S.3919; and © let Senator Tester, co-chairman of the Congressional Sportsman's Caucus, know that you are disappointed that he wants to take authority away from the people of Montana, Idaho, Wyoming and YOUR state to manage the state wildlife resources and give it to the Obama Administration

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Thank you. I will follow ua and see if I can get any actio on this. Good catch!

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According to Ryan Benson of Big Game Forever, the governors of Idaho, Wyoming and Montana met with the Obama Administration last week to finalize negotiations intended to return wolves to state wildlife management. Instead, the Obama Administration told the governors they planned on passing a different bill. The bill is dangerous for two reasons: (1) it takes away key constitutional rights of state wildlife management; and (2) transfers the authority to the Obama Administration to dictate to the states how to manage their wildlife. The Governors immediately rejected the bill and thought the issue was dead. Instead, Obama tried to sneak his language onto the spending bill last Wednesday. Ryan was apprised of the language and immediately began working to counter their efforts. The bill will likely go to vote this week. WE MUST STOP THIS FEDERAL POWER GRAB IMMEDIATELY.





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AZ seems to have gotten suckered in and become a part of the Bruce "I'm really a POS" Babbit's wolf reintroduction program back in the clinton administration. Just wait, we will have issues here too, if we don't already.


I think it's time for the various states to rise up and denounce the federal government. Brewer seems to have made a good start, but it's only a start.



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