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Yote Hunting

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Went out this morning and the 1st stand called in a dark coyote with a large white tip on its tail. He was call shy and circled down wind about 150yrds. I had to stand up and try to make a shot but missed and he was gone. Second stand as soon as we got out of the truck, coyotes were howling and yipping all around us. I thought this should be good. We called and nothing came in. 3rd and 4th stand nothin. 5th stand had one sneak in on my right. There was a palo verde tree between me and him and I tried shooting through the branches and missed him.( I couldn't believe I missed that close, we are talking 10-15ft away) 6th stand had another come straight into me and I got trigger happy and missed him. I told my buddy maybe my gun got knocked off. SO he used my gun the next stand( #7) We had one come in within 5 min. She stopped right in front of us about 60 yrds out and Connor drops her right there. I guess I got a little excited today and educated some coyotes for the rest of you. Im still going to take my gun out to the range.( It cant be me ;))




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Very nice.


Me personally when I get out and they are howling at me, I dont call that area. In my experience, that usually means they have been over called and know what you are and what you are doing there.

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Sounds like an action packed day...the more I read these coyote hunts the more I wanna try it!! Thanx for sharin..yes I imagine that would be a little hard all thos misses and then your bud nails one with same gun... that's hunting

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