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... was taken away. I hunted my but off for 2 days and woke up sick this morning. I started the hunt off bu getting to my perch overlooking a series of canyons and a mountainside about 30 minutes before dark. As I was waiting for the sun to come up I realized that all my stuff was soaked and then realized my binosular lenses had a layer of water/dew on them. At this point I realized that I had forgotten my lens clothes in the truck so it was a 30 minute jog down the hill to the truck and then a 45 minute jog back up. So I am now about 45 late for glassing. I get back to my perch and sit there for about 30 minutes before I find anything and it is a herd of 8 javelina always fun to find but I am looking for a buck right now. So I continue glassing and find about 7 does and fawns in the next 45 to 60 minutes. Then I take a break and just look at a little wash about 150 yards from me and there he is. It is a solid 3x3 with a massive eyeguard on its left antler that is bent and disformed and has about a 3 inch kicker off of its right G2. I get setup as quietly as possible and wait for him to step out from behind this bush. He does but I rushed the shot and shot under him. He ran 20 yards up the hill and stops I shoot again and missed again. Now I am thinking oh great my rifle is off. I have one more chance and shoot I see the buck arch its back and take off over the ridge. I know the last shot hit him good and get my stuff packed mark where I was sitting and where I believe the deer was hit. When I get over there I find no fur and no blood. Oh great a gut shot just what I need. I follow the blood for about 50 yards then there is no more the tracks go on clean. I keep following the tracks and then I see him go over the ridge about 300 yards away at a full sprint. I searched for 6 hours but could never find him. I know that he is alright because I saw him Saturday feeding with a forky but could not get within range. All day Saturday I saw 4 does and the 2 bucks and 12 more javelina. I am going to go back and try for this guy next weekend. Will post pics of some does and other stuff later.

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Young Hunter, that is too Darn bad that it didnt work out like it SHOULD HAVE! Just stick with it Bud and u will be FINE! I wish the ABSOLUTE best of luck to you!

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I will be going down for the second weekend and if anybody would like to come and try to help I will gladly give them a couple venison steaks if successful :) :angry: :)

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Wounding an animal that cannot be recovered is something I do not hope to do. If he is still up and moving, and you have seen him since, I believe it is your duty as an ethical hunter to try and take him. (not to mention since he is a nice buck) :angry:

I definetly wish you Good Luck in your quest! Take your time and don't let the buck fever take over!

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Don't give up on that buck! Try and glass him up again and throw down a stock. If you don;t find him, you might jsut find another good buck. Remember, when they're wounded they will hold VERY tight. You dang near have to poke them out of their beds. I had this exact thing happen to me and I was able to recover the deer. Watched him bed and stocked to within 5 yards of the dang thing before he busted out of the oak brush :lol: . Scared me half to death. They can hide like no other when they are wounded.

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