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Caliber Choice

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I know that not a lot of people are fans of the .243, but I think that it is an awesome rifle. I have been shooting a remmington youth model .243 since up until I was about 18. I have killed 6 coues and 3 pigs and a few varmints with it. My longest shot was on a coues at about 300 yards and the buck it did not go far at all. I shoot the factory 100gr remmington core lock and have been very happy with the way they perform. The 243 may not be a huge caliber rifle but with the right shot placement and ammo I believe that it is one heck of a rifle. :)

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22-250, 243, 6mm, 243WSSM, 25WSSM. Put a scope on it to give them kids all the help they can get. If you want them to learn how to use an open sight then do it with a BB gun or a 22 on close range small game. Not during a big game hunt. Just my 2-cents. Good luck

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The open sights are for me not the kids. It will be drilled and tapped for a scope as I mentioned above. No one has answered my question about the components of a 25-06 and a 30-06 bullet (and 270)and if there are common parts shared in the reloading process. I know nothing about reloading, but it would be nice if you didn't have to buy different parts, tools, etc. Anyone know this info?

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25-06 is a 30-06 necked down to .257.... it shoots .257 bullets and uses 25-06 dies. a 30-06 uses .308 bullets and uses 30-06 dies... a .270 is a 30-06 necked to a .277 and uses .270 dies and .277 bullets. the only components that are the same is the primers and powder

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when you start reloading there is a number of the things you have to buy to start out with.you'll need a press,powder measure,scale,priming tool,powder funnel,dies,shellholder,powder trickler,neck reamer,powder,primers and bullets.the two things that change are the dies and shellholder for each caliber.the shellholder is interchangable between the 25-06,270,280 and 30.06.the dies are the only thing you'd have to change out besides your bullets and powders for these calibers mentioned.the best thing to do is find someone who already reloads and have them help you get started.once you get started you'll be surprised how better your groups get from reloading compared to factory ammo.hope this clears up some confusion for you.



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