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Daniel in Ak

My Spring Bear season is over.

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I was fortunate enough to tag out on all four Bears this Spring.One Grizz and three Black Bears.Thought I'd just share since Im still stoked over the fact, and I put just over 400 miles on the boat in the past three weekends.Anyhow I hope you all are having some luck as well.

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Pics we neeeeeed to seeee some pics. PLEEEASE

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To funny fellas. Man let me tell ya. Of course no Grizz pics :( but I did get some beautiful rshots while running the river and the hard part is taking pic's while Sasquatch is woofing at me and running they the brush and slapping brush around all the while while stalking me and trying to figure out how to Sneak up behind me.

It wasn't easy dragging a bear to the rivers edge to keep my back there while keeping an eye out for Sasquatch.i finally had to shoot him after he made several attempts to cross a ol to get at me that was 10 yards away. When I'm not tired fellas I have a few crappy pics I suppose I could show.

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