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Economic Trail Cam Recomendations

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Hey all, I've never much used a trail cams before and want to pick up a few to get started. I'd love to pick up a few of the Covert ones sold here but they are out of my price range. I'm not looking for National Geographic quality photos, just something reliable that will give me some good pictures of what is coming into my area. Any recommendations?



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Wildview are cheap and take fair pictures.

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ive had great luck with the moultrie D- series like the D-40 and D-50. I've had mine foe years and no real issues.

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I just bought two wildgame innovation micro w 2xc on ebay for around 120 they take good day time pics and 30 second videos the night pics dont have the same quality but cant beat them for the price imo

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Stealth has a newer camera you can get shipped to your door for about 85 bucks, I believe they call it Core or IR Core They seem ok so far but they are no covert for sure. I don't have a great idea about battery life since I just bought two of these and are just trying them out the last month and half (so far so good). A big downfall that I see so far is they are a little bit hard to program and it will be mandatory to use instruction sheet quite a few times and I don't think you can format the card in the camera either, which we always do before we reset and walk away. The covert are so simple, you barely have to pick up the instructions and you won't need to go back read them again for reference. IMO, opinion it's not the quality of the image you should be worried about. Anything with a 3mp is just fine for what you need. We set all our coverts to 3mp instead of 5 or 8mp so the card will hold more pictures. Battery life should be a concern. The smaller cams that take 8 double AAs seem to go a long long time. The cams that take C or D batts I would stay away from because of battery life is pretty short. We have coverts that have been in the field over a year and still show full batteries with thousands of pictures taken. We have two seperate cams we left during early Aug/Sep archery and didn't go back until Feb and March on the other. Both were working and took pics when we walked up. I remember one had over 4G and the other was 6G pictures (These were both the older covert 2 cams). My wildview cams that takes Cs you'll be lucky to get 2 months, same as my cuddebacks that take 4Ds. Don't short change yourself and just pay back the money on batteries. Good Luck

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I still use the low end primos myself. There are other cameras that are cost a little less but I think they are economical and I have never had any sort of issue with them, not one. Mine are 4 years old and still going strong in rain/heat & snow and they take great pics, no blurry or pixelated even at night. The battery life in them are great too. Personally I beleive that battery life has a lot to do with the tempurature and brand of batter but regardless I have been pretty impressed with how long they last. Usually I don't switch out batteries the whole season and they still have a little power left in them while taking a lot of pics.


Just my two cents. Good luck to you.

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