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Anybody else gonna be there??

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Az, glad your wallet was left untoutched cuz mine took a whopping hit.. Got a new pair of Meidels , a new hard gun case, an expensive book that I've been wanting for the last couple of years ( by Craig Boddington), and the biggest hit of them all, a new gun safe. I figured that I might as well get it today cuz I was already going to get one in the near future, and if I bought it today, I get the triple points on the CC. It was still a bad sting when that total came up on the register..


Tons of "VIPS" there today.. I figured half of Phoenix was a qualified " guest of Honor" today at around noontime! Man was it crowded... But, it was cool to see all of the mounts and get to finally see a good store move into the area. I am glad they didn't put that thing in Tucson. My bank account would be in serious jepardy! :lol:

Gotta go back on Mon to pick up the safe cuz we took the wifie's car..

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