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Cool any chance of asking has he hunted that area before? I'm new to that area this year I let my uncle do the paper work for the deer drawings he messed up lol I usually hunt 37b area but oh we'll something new lol thanks for responding

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I hunted one buck in 36c for four years straight. The last time I saw him he walked through my rifle scope about 80 yards away with me squeezing the trigger and never finding any evidence of a hit. Some days you would wonder how can there be this many deer in the desert and then not see a deer for the next three days. The buck I hunted I had in range with a rifle or bow 5 times I believe seeing him maybe 8 or 9 times total. The "Flats" lends itself to my favorite style of hunting. Moving slow, getting close and seeing them before they see you. Here are a few pics, the first one is a pic of "Mondo's" shed. The next is a buck I shot in 2007. I will also post a pic of a buck my brother got in 2008 or so. The better pics died with my last computer Also a cell pic of a little buck that him and his friend walked within 10 yards of me. Good luck on your hunt.





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