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double lunger14

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About double lunger14

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    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 01/20/1991

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    At Your Moms House

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  1. double lunger14

    Found an enormous deadhead (coues)

    Only 184 7/8. No frame on him man. 18” wide 😕
  2. double lunger14

    Found an enormous deadhead (coues)

    I will trade you the mule deer head I just found for this one.
  3. double lunger14

    Cool Mule Deer Dead Head

    Was out pig hunting last week and walked up on this mule deer dead head. I never find anything cool so it was nice to get lucky.
  4. double lunger14

    Credit Card hit thread

    Took me 12 years and 14 points later to finally draw unit 1 archery bull.
  5. Swarovski 15x56 SLC HD Marsupial enclosed pack Outdoorsman’s stud $2100 Firm. Located in Tucson. It’s not letting me upload pics here so Text me for questions and pics. 520-349-5631
  6. double lunger14

    Clapped out white super duty on Alma school and main

    Who’s 💩 box I wonder.
  7. double lunger14

    2022 34 a/b tag holders

    Anyone on this forum get lucky to either draw the other two archery tags or the two muzzleloader tags?
  8. double lunger14

    Draw Results

    Nada for me or the wife. My Dad drew two great tags. 27 early archery bull and 34a/b archery antelope. One of my brothers also drew a late 27 bull tag. Should be a fun fall.
  9. double lunger14

    Only 1 hour until cards start getting hit

    You and I both know you’re not killing a 180” this year. Maybe a 150”.
  10. double lunger14

    Unit 1 antelope guide

    Here you go. From my scouting trips on 2015. The buck in my last 5 pics was my number 1. Sure he’s long gone now.
  11. double lunger14

    Unit 1 antelope guide

    I’ve had the archery hunt twice. Most recent was 2015. Scouted a lot and the best goat I could find was probably right around 80” give or take a couple inches. Outfitters I would Recommend Pronghorn Guide Service: Eli Grimmett 602-828-0731 Premium Hunts: Justin Earhart 928-245-8722 Best of luck to your buddy! Steven
  12. double lunger14

    My Biggest Coues Yet.

    Thank you everyone for the kind replies! Still can’t believe I got him.
  13. double lunger14

    My Biggest Coues Yet.

    I was fortunate enough to take my biggest coues buck to date this last Saturday along side two of my very good buddies Patrick and Trey. I wanted to hunt a new area that I have always thought would hold a good buck or two. I’ve just been very hesitant to go up in there because the country is so rugged. Saturday started off early. Our alarms went off at 3:15 am and it was finally game time. I was very excited as this was my first coues Hunt since my last one in 2016. We started hiking at 4:30am and finally arrived to our glassing spot just before 6:15am. 45 minutes into glassing I found what looked like a deer. Sure enough it was a little buck. I was excited to see this deer cause up till then all we had seen is one doe. As I was looking at this little guy I noticed a deer in a shadow underneath him. I zoned in on this deer and he finally picked his head up and right away I knew he was a good buck. I quickly called Patrick and trey to head over to where I was at. Patrick and trey finally got to me and we busted out our big glass and started examine this buck. After about 10 minutes of looking I knew I wanted to kill this deer. He and his two buddies ended up bedding at about 8am. After coming up with a game plan, Patrick and I bailed off the mountain as trey stayed back to keep eyes on the deer. An hour or so later Patrick and I finally got to the spot where we thought we could get a shot. 5 minutes into glassing Patrick finds him bedded 515 yards away. We quickly set up the 28 nosler on a rock and I settle in. Boom! My first shot goes off. Patrick says “you hit high shoot again”. I rack another round on and try to find the buck again. I finally found him still laying there in the same spot. I settle in again.... BOOM! Patrick again says “dude you hit high again aim lower!” At this time the buck is standing and is aware something is not right. I’m startled because the scope is dialed into exactly what the dope sheet says and I’m laying prone as steady as can be. BOOM! I shoot again this time hitting low. At this point the buck is terrified and knows something is not right. He runs down the mountain 30 yards and I find him again. BOOM! WHACK!!! I could hear the billet finally connect. Patrick is telling me “you hit him you hit him!” Finally a sign of relief on my end. The buck runs down the mountain 200 yards where he finally expired in a patch of oak trees. Patrick and I load up our gear and call trey on the radio to tell him to head on over that we had got the buck. It took Patrick and I about 45 minutes to get across the canyon to my deer. I finally got to him and I was in disbelief that i had just killed this beautiful coues buck. Trey finally got to us about an hour or so later and we quickly took pics and then started on cutting the deer up to get off the mountain. We finally got back to camp where we met up with my dad. He was nice enough to drive all the way out to camp to bring up some steaks to celebrate my best coues yet. Special thanks to Patrick and Trey. I couldn’t have done it without you guys!!! Special thanks to my dad Steve for coming out and bringing us food! 🤣🤣. Hope you all enjoy the pics. Steven
  14. double lunger14

    Draw results are in!!

    Somethings never change on this site 🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️