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Sons coues buck this year

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My son drew a 22 youth tag this and after a morning of buck fever and warming a barrel nothing had hit the ground but brass. So we went to camp ate some lunch and he told me that he really wanted to shoot a deer today so that he could make it to a concert the following day. My first response was that, "you will have to hit one first!" We had a good laugh and took off to start glassing.

Right before dark I glass up a spike and ask him," Do you want to shoot this one?" He says," Yes lets do it." So we gather up ou gear and make a run for it. It is getting dark quick. We get to 450 and I tell him to throw his pack down and find him in the scope. He is having a hard time due to it getting dark. Then the buck walks out in the yellow grass and turns broadside. I ask him if he sees him them BOOM. Buck flips over and its done. We gather up stuff, take some land marks, and off with flash lights to find the deer. Took us an hour and a half to locate the deer. Took a couple of pictures and got to work. It was a long pack out, we made it to camp about 9:30 that night. He was happy he made to concert and got a deer.post-2457-0-97868500-1355414644.jpg

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very productive year for the cross team!




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