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Foxpro wildfire

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Hi guys. I just bought the foxpro wildfire at cabelas and im having some issues. Id call tech support but the are closed on the weekend. While in the middle of a call the sound will switch over to coyote locator, The sound will switch anywhere from 5 to 10 minutes. The Foxbang is shut off. Both presets P1 and P2 are clear. Ive been reading the manual over and over and cant find anything. My next step was to download the foxpro software off their site and reprogram or update the software.. Any ideas before i do this? Last night i was using the lightning jack sound and 6 minutes into the call the sound switched over to coyote locator. the remote was not being used during the sound switch. frustrating. any ideas and thank in advance.

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I know that you said you just bought it, but try changing out the battery in your remote. I have a Hellfire that does something similar when the battery is old. If that is not it, it is most likely a problem with the remote. The caller itself just plays what it is told, the remote will default to track one when there are power issues, and I am guessing that coyote locator is your #1 track.

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thank you for the suggestion azspike. I tried a different brand new battery with no luck. And yes the coyote locator was the number one track.

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My foxpro firestorm does the same thing. #1 track is also coyote locator, and for me That always means the unit needs new batteries. (not the remote, the unit)

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