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Oldest sons first deer hunt!

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Well the youth deer hunt is just around the corner, I hope all you parents are just as excited as I am. My oldest boy turned 10 this year and got his first choice for the youth hunt (well my first choice for him haha). I'm more excited and pumped up for this hunt than I've been in a long time! Just want to say good luck to all the youth hunter's, there's nothing I like more than to see the young ones out hunting.

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We will be out there - getting some bear tags just in case the younger boys get a shot. My boys have been very blessed with tags over the years, and all three of them have made the best of tags available to them. My oldest boys have a couple elk, one deer, a few javis, sevearl turkey between them. Josh is the youngest, and he's got a couple of javi's taken at long range for a kid, a turkey taken days after he was legal.


Makes me look back at my experience, growing up with a love for hunting, and how long it took me to stop eating tag soup, and start filling tags. My sons, combined have taken far more game than I have. There is something to be said for dads like yourself who put getting the kids out there, making it fun and passing on the passion for the outdoors, the hunt, the talks around the campfire at night above their own ambitions.


Best wishes to you, brother, we'll be out there on the same quest this fall.

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I'll be taking my 14 year old daughter on her first deer hunt on October 11th as well. Shes been shooting a .243 and is probably a better shot than I am. Shes very excited and cant stop talking about the jerky shes going to make and share with her friends.

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