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Guest oneshot

"Outlawed" 223/556 Ammo/SnapShot, I owe you...

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Guest oneshot

... an apology...

Sometimes I think you are a card-carrying member of the Tin-Foil-Hat Club by the tone of your posts, but recent rumblings out of Washington have proven you CORRECT and myself woefully WRONG...


This latest dealy about .223/556 ammo being "outlawed" has shown me the error of my ways...


Please accept my apology and, Hot dinner and Cold drinks are on me, whenever you are down this way...


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Besides....It's no secret that I am an extreme right wing nutbag, and Obama's worst nightmare. ;)

I guess the nightmare isn't scarey enough, bump it up!

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Besides....It's no secret that I am an extreme right wing nutbag, and Obama's worst nightmare. ;)

I guess the nightmare isn't scarey enough, bump it up!


Obama isn't afraid of guy's like me, just guy's like me in big numbers.

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So, I have done some reading on this but , I guess im lazy or dumb. What actual rounds are they considering armor piercing?


Im not much of a .223 shooter , but I do have a colt ar 15 and a mini 14. I really havnt shot them in years, so should I load up.

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So, I have done some reading on this but , I guess im lazy or dumb. What actual rounds are they considering armor piercing?


Im not much of a .223 shooter , but I do have a colt ar 15 and a mini 14. I really havnt shot them in years, so should I load up.

Scroll down to the Political section. We posted some info on it.

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So, I have done some reading on this but , I guess im lazy or dumb. What actual rounds are they considering armor piercing?

Im not much of a .223 shooter , but I do have a colt ar 15 and a mini 14. I really havnt shot them in years, so should I load up.


Scroll down to the Political section. We posted some info on it.

Thank you sir , I will venture into the forbidden zone. :)

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It's kinda funny how when I post something politically incorrect, I get a lot of folks stopping by to peek at my profile.

I dont know anymore what is politaclicy correct or incorrect. I donnt care . "Rock on".

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Guest wdenike

Right Wing Extreme Terrorist???????? Outlawing Bullets??????? REALLY????????




The biggest threat in 2015 will be RIGHT WING EXTREMIST!!!!!!!!! And another high priority is the ban of a bullet that hasn't been responsible for a law enforcement officers death in over ten years. And no longer will penetrate modern body armor. Come on people when is congress going to take this lunatic over their knee, give him an azz whipping and say the country has had enough of his bullchit.



We better get our heads out of our azz. As there are unconstitutional laws already crammed down law abiding citizens on both coasts. And our clown residing at 1600 Pennsylvania Av.. Just gave good American Citizens a new name. ( RIGHT WING EXTREMISTS ). Could this be so when they decide to enforce these unconstitutional laws. And people possibly are killed. They are hoping the population sits in their easy chair watching the news, and says OH I heard about those crazy RIGHT WING EXTREMIST. And allows them to continue till it is to late. How many on here will be lumped in this new classification?????? We better wake the heII up!!!! As things are changing fast.




Take care, Willie

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Half of the "republicans" we have elected to congress are equal or worse to the Pelosi, Reids and other lefty loony tunes in DC.


They "fight" with the DEMS when the cameras are rolling, but when the red light goes off they are all at the bar together getting hammered and telling themselves how great they are.

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Half of the "republicans" we have elected to congress are equal or worse to the Pelosi, Reids and other lefty loony tunes in DC.


They "fight" with the DEMS when the cameras are rolling, but when the red light goes off they are all at the bar together getting hammered and telling themselves how great they are.

Very true. I can't stand many of them, and would love to drag their sorry butt's out of Congress, kicking and screaming. We have many quality up and comers, in the Republican party that could lead this country in a positive, and profitable direction. The GOP establishment D-bags, block and blackball, the conservatives so that they won't upset the Political gravy train, or the power of the establishment RINO's. It will be worse day's ahead if we don't rally, and clean these cockroaches out of the political arena.

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