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My first calling competition.

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Way to put em down!

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I enjoy calling competitions but posting photos like this on the internet is why they are being banned in most states.

It's fodder for those against them. Please be discreet

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I enjoy calling competitions but posting photos like this on the internet is why they are being banned in most states.

It's fodder for those against them. Please be discreet


photofool, other than CA can you list the states that have banned them? "Most states" = how many, ten, twenty, surely 26+ since that would be "most states".

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Guest wdenike


I enjoy calling competitions but posting photos like this on the internet is why they are being banned in most states.

It's fodder for those against them. Please be discreet


photofool, other than CA can you list the states that have banned them? "Most states" = how many, ten, twenty, surely 26+ since that would be "most states".


Come on Chief!!!!! Quit being so dang sensible, and abrasive!!!! Don't ya know some get their panties in a wad over just about anything. Pretty soon ya all won't be able to discuss anything with out a secret password. ROFLMAO



Take care, Willie

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Several states have had groups organized enough to petition the termination of hunting contests. California being the most recent successful effort. Nevada, New Mexico, and Arizona have all had well organized efforts put forth. The World Coyote Calling Competition, which switches states every two years, has a fanatical anti following that attempts to thwart these contests each year. The PredatorMasters annual hunt has been picked a few times. Project Coyote sunk California's hunting contests, and aided in the total and complete banning of bobcat hunting/trapping. No bobcat CITES tags are sold there any more.


That being said. Here are 2 coyotes I shot yesterday.



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Somewhere I read rules about posting pics of dead animals but I couldn't find it. Maybe they were just suggestions. Any way it would be nice if the guts , blood, etc. were not emphasized like they do on TV, and Movies. I think that is what photofool is talking about and IMHO is a good idea. :)

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