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Question about the draw system

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I'm sure it's been asked before but I've never gotten a clear answer. How are the bonus points counted when multiple people apply on the same app? I've heard they take the person with the highest number of points. Also I've heard you either all get drawn or nobody does. Thanks and sorry if this has been answered before

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I'm sure it's been asked before but I've never gotten a clear answer. How are the bonus points counted when multiple people apply on the same app? I've heard they take the person with the highest number of points. Also I've heard you either all get drawn or nobody does. Thanks and sorry if this has been answered before

They add everyone's up and divide by the number of applicants from my understanding. correct all get drawn or nobody.

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It is an App bonus point the average of all Applicants ... Which does get abused a little ... Say wifey has bought bonus points for 10 years and has her Loyalty and Hunters Ed for a total of 12 .. and Pappa got drawn last year but has his Hunters Ed and Loyalty ... This year he does a 2 person App With Mamma and it is 12 + 2 divided by 2 ... Both Have 7 bonus points .... Now with the new surrender program , Say they get drawn ... Mamma Surrenders her tag now has 13 BP ... and Next year Pappa puts in with her now they both have 8 ( 13 + 2 / 2 = 7.5 .. the .5 is rounded up to 8 ).. But if drawn Mamma can not surrender again

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