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coues in 37a?!?

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I heard the tortolita mountains had more to offer than most think. I have now seen coues deer on both ends of the range. i saw a spike in the hills surrounding cochie canyon on the west end and a group of does out rail x ranch road near catalina. 37b has an any antler tag but 37a is mule only. Does anyone know if there is a healthy population, healthy enough for an any antlered tag? a buddy also swears up and down he saw 2 bighorn ewes near cochie??????

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I've done some bird hunting on the eastern side, off of Rail X Ranch Road, and have never seen any coues. If there are any I probably wouldn't hunt coues in there because they would be few and far between. The way coues have been moving down hill maybe they will start to populated areas like that in a few years. :)

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I think you're scouting the right area. Not much of anything if you go north or west of where you're looking now. I would concentrate on the south and southeastern portions of the unit and possibly to the west of I10 in the Silverbells.



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Yeah they are there. No you can not hunt them. They are probably in other areas of the unit too. I don't think making that tag "any antlered deer" would hurt anything, if anything it might save a mule deer buck or two in a unit with a mule deer population thats is in decline.


Bret M.

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