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Hijacked Trail!!!

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Funny thing, last year deer were the only mammals using this trail. :blink: This picture is from my friends trail camera. My camera was located approximately 2 miles due south of this one. I would show the pictures from that camera, but uhh... it uhh.... doesn't exist anymore. :angry:



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Amazing picture, suprised they didnt mess with the camera...looks like the second fellow was lookin at it

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Vengo a América hacer una vida mejor para mi familia.



In a country with a poor economy, any opportunity for money counts... even if it includes being a DRUG MULE.

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Vengo a América hacer una vida mejor para mi familia.



In a country with a poor economy, any opportunity for money counts... even if it includes being a DRUG MULE.



You can be poor and still have your dignity.

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You can be poor and still have your dignity.


I don't think they're losing any dignity. Heck, when these fellas return home with a pocket full of money, that's all the dignity they need! Like you said, a better life for the family! They are taking a pretty big risk though... runnin' the drugs is dangerous.


I posted the picture because I thought it would get a laugh or two. ;)

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Vengo a América hacer una vida mejor para mi familia.



Y es todo. no mas! ellos ven a america para ganar dinero para la famila y nada mas!

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great pics


i would say your lucky to still have your camera as the second guy looked like he saw it

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The camera this picture was taken from belongs to a good friend of mine. It had another picture of a single human with one of these suspicious block-shaped back packs. It also had a picture of a monster buck with 1 1/2" nubs.


I figured I better not post the deer picture because everyone would start asking where this sweet hunting spot is!!!!


My trail camera was placed within a few miles of this one, but it mysteriously disappeared. I think its at the bottom of a water hole snapping pictures of frogs & turtles. I'll share those pictures if I ever recover it.


Its probably time to find a new area.

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Sorry to hear about your camera. Your cam pic helps confirm a post I made yesterday on a different 36b thread:


Used to be a great unit to hunt deer. I've hunted 36B for ~20 years. For the last 5 to 7 years we've seen a big problem with illegals. We do the backpack thing, middle of no where only to find a bunch of trash, human foot trails and the effect that illegal over crowding has...fewer deer and even fewer quality deer. Scout 36B just like you would any other unit except be mindful that it is well travelled by drug runners, coyotes, bandits and illegals looking for work.

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