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Small Buck

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the bucks on my came shed this month. The older ones tend to drop their antlers first and the youngest ones tend to lose them last....based upon what i have seen. Seems normal to me.

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I went out yesterday and saw 7 coues bucks. 6 were still packing 1 had dropped. I saw one mule deer that had dropped and one little two point mule deer still carrying. This was in a border unit. Generally I see the mule deer drop a few weeks earlier than the whitetail and the older bucks drop earlier than the younger bucks. That buck could very well carry those antlers into may. I see bucks every year carrying in may.

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High country or Northern game seem to drop eaier too. The desert bucks seem to start growing lter, and so they shed later from what I have seen. And mature game shed before the younger bucks/bulls.

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