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What's happening with this deer?

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Does anyone know what's going on with this girl? Her neck is pretty nasty in addition to the obvious bulges on both her sides. I know nothing about biological diseases/infections and such so I'd appreciate the education.






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I've seen it a ton. I believe they're called fibromas. Caused by a virus if I'm not mistaken. I've seen it in both mule deer and couea deer.

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I've seen it a ton. I believe they're called fibromas. Caused by a virus if I'm not mistaken. I've seen it in both mule deer and couea deer.


Yep, the wildlife vets call them infectious fibropappilomas. They will eventually fall off and another deer may eat it and get infected, too, but the rabbits usually beat the deer to them and are considered to be the primary means of transmission.


They are confined to the epidermis (skin), are harmless to humans, and will come off when the deer is skinned.

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