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My Rights As An American

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Everything posted by My Rights As An American

  1. My Rights As An American

    Mesquite Sugar Cookies

    Excellent, thanks! Need to make a trip out to the desert before the rains come!!!
  2. My Rights As An American

    Homemade Pumpkin Zucchini Chocolate Chip Bread

    Forgot to add, it was so good I made it again last night, with three little loaf tins for the kids and one large loaf pan. OUTSTANDING again!!!! That is part of my lunch today. Need to get the pics from my wife.
  3. My Rights As An American

    polaris ranger street legal help

    Excellent, sounds like goggles are the way to go. I plan on getting a helmet also for me and the kids. Seems like the full face helmets are the safest, but hottest?
  4. My Rights As An American

    polaris ranger street legal help

    Just entered the quad arena and picked up a "two-up" for two riders. It has the horn, lights, mirror, OHV tag and plate. Do I need anything else to ride it on roads? I have tried to follow this thread. What else do I need to ride it on the road? THANKS!!!!
  5. My Rights As An American

    Mesquite Sugar Cookies

    I have always wanted to pick a bunch at peak time, grind them up and save the flour for throughout the year! I think I may try that this year! I usually wait until later in the year when the beans are really dry on the tree, but I guess I am waiting too long?
  6. My Rights As An American

    Now the waiting game

    The BEST of luck to you and your daughters!!!!!!!!! I cannot wait for that to happen, four more years for my first one to turn 10!!!
  7. My Rights As An American

    best time to hunt coues in unit 27

    July, not nearly as many other hunters on that same hunt. Just kidding!!!!!!!
  8. My Rights As An American

    Now the waiting game

    Should be any day now.....aannyy day now......aaaaannnnnyyyyy day now...........aaaaaaaannnnnnyyyyyy day now.
  9. My Rights As An American

    Strange in Unit 22N- Your thoughts??

    Its possible. Happened to me when I got married. I was going to say the same thing......but I needed to ask my wife first. My guess would be that this may be an old bull that failed to drop his antlers if they are really light colored and hard. Just seems far too early to be a hard-horned 7x7.
  10. My Rights As An American

    Tanned elk hides, tanned fox hide, Badlands Archery Backpack

  11. My Rights As An American

    Strange in Unit 22N- Your thoughts??

    I am sure there is a medicine for this condition! Maybe someone should google "how to fix low testosterone" on their work computer?
  12. My Rights As An American

    Strange in Unit 22N- Your thoughts??

    Does anybody actually admit that publicly?
  13. My Rights As An American

    beef steers

    Not a butcher either, so that is really helpful info PRDATR, thanks! The problem is, now you have me REALLY hungry talking the details of the differences between a porterhouse and t-bone! And I just ate lunch!!!
  14. My Rights As An American

    Strange in Unit 22N- Your thoughts??

    On a side note, while camping this weekend, we pulled into a spot Friday after dark and must have split up a heard hanging around there. Got out and the cows and calves were REALLY vocal, but more crazy was the number of bugles and bulls we heard going off for 15 mintues SOLID!!!! This was in 6a, however.
  15. My Rights As An American

    Strange in Unit 22N- Your thoughts??

    I want proof! Show me the pics (and the coordinates, please, I have a 22n archery bull tag!)!!!!! Very cool, saw a nice heard in a lower area on my way through last night. Need to check the area out soon! And, I would not be upset if you sent me the coordinates!
  16. My Rights As An American

    WTB 7mm Mag brass

    Hey, one way or another you got some! Glad it worked out!
  17. My Rights As An American

    Man on a wire! they are replaying his awesome walk across little colorado!!

    Ah, it is like watching NASCAR. I do not watch it to see them make left turns all day long in a circle, I want to see the crashes!!! Just kidding! Glad he was not injured. Heard the winds were brutal for the walk.
  18. My Rights As An American

    Anyone seen coloring like this?

    Oh yeah, those are just highlights. It is the latest rage in does right now. All the does are doing it! Instead of "peppered" hair, this is "salted" hair!
  19. My Rights As An American

    Anyone want to take me and my kids Striper fishing???

    Sounds like a nice fair deal! Wish I could help, but the only time I fished for stripers was from shore at Lake Powell this past March. Did well.
  20. My Rights As An American

    beef steers

    Great questions. Also, what kind of cuts could one expect? Is there ground? Roasts? Filet mignon/porterhouse/t-bone cuts? I think a little more info would definitely fire up the interest even more! Hey, I wouldn't be asking questions if I was not interested!
  21. My Rights As An American

    WTB 7mm Mag brass

    Check with elkster9, he may have what you need.
  22. My Rights As An American

    Tanned elk hides, tanned fox hide, Badlands Archery Backpack

  23. My Rights As An American

    PMAG 30 rd - GEN M3 - BNIB black - $18.00

    GOUGER! GOUGER!!! He probably bought these for $17.99 and is trying to off-load them for $18.00!!!! Just kidding!!! One of the best prices I have seen recently for PMAGs. Good luck, they should go QUICK!!!!!!!!! Wish I owned an AR, I would probably jump on the remaining five!!!
  24. My Rights As An American

    Browning A-Bolt Composite Stalker 30-06 For Sale

    There we go, thanks for putting a price up! Good price on a good gun! Should sell quickly!
  25. My Rights As An American

    Browning A-Bolt Composite Stalker 30-06 For Sale

    Welcome to the board. How about a price? Posting up a few more details? Lots of very serious shooters on this site and more details may really help you sell the gun quickly! Again, welcome!