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My Rights As An American

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About My Rights As An American

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    Premier Member
  • Birthday April 30

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  1. My Rights As An American

    2013 Toyota Tacoma 2x4

    Yes, but how often was the oil changed? Just kidding, good luck with sale! Love my Toyotas!!!!
  2. My Rights As An American

    How long until cards are hit??

    I call dibs! Suckers were too slow!!!
  3. My Rights As An American

    2004 Tacoma 4x4

    Yes, but how often do you change your oil? Just kidding!!! To the original post, excellent looking vehicle. Post went sideways since you put it up for sale, good luck with the sale. Awesome vehicles for sure, should sell quickly!!!!
  4. My Rights As An American

    Springfield 2020 22 rimfire

    If legit, I will jump in line and could get it today.
  5. My Rights As An American


    Wow, so sorry to hear the reason for the sale. Good luck with the sale, wish I was in the market to help you out.
  6. My Rights As An American

    Garage clean out Holsters

    I would take both of the Leatherman if you were closer!!!
  7. My Rights As An American

    Vortex binoculars

    I will take the set up. Let's figure out a time to meet up. Thanks!
  8. My Rights As An American

    It has started, card got hit 10 min ago

    Bummer, was really hoping my kids would get deer tags this year. No elk tags anywhere in our family. My daughter is 17 this year so it may be her last year for youth, no tag. Bummer.
  9. My Rights As An American

    How bout them Devils!

    Once again, the roaches only come back out when UA loses. Cannot even have comebacks about their own team because they are so bad. If UA lost in the final game of the CWS, these roaches would be quiet until that day then jump on the bandwagon and talk about how they were right and UA sucks. Nevermind the fact their school did not even get into the tourney.
  10. My Rights As An American

    How bout them Devils!

    Funny how these people show up to try to trash UA when it loses to anyone but disappear the rest of the year.
  11. My Rights As An American


    I will take the xd mags if it is $15 for all 3. Thanks.
  12. My Rights As An American

    How bout them Devils!

    Honestly, it is amazing to me as a Wildcat that ASU, with all of its size and resources, is not an annually dominant school nationally in almost all sports. The pure incompetence athletically is stunning.
  13. My Rights As An American


    Where are you located?
  14. My Rights As An American

    How bout them Devils!

    AsU football struggling. Rashada and Badger gone. Scholarship losses coming. Ha, burying themselves.
  15. My Rights As An American

    Heater buddy sold
