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Posts posted by jdown

  1. We tried to get fall turkey tags. Mailed everything in, called and they said they have it right there and next on the list, got an email, called again and again - never got a tag and decided to not keep forcing money to someone that obviously didn't want it.


  2. 2 minutes ago, trphyhntr said:

    The air on New Year’s Day was the worst I’ve seen I think. That was a real brown blanket laying on the city that morning. 

    We have done the leave at 3 thing going pig hunting on the 1st many many times and it is a thick cloud of crap until you get out of the valley.  That a few drunks to weave by... 

  3. 20 minutes ago, stanley said:

    You can still use a fireplace, but there are “no burn days” declared when the air quality goes to shite.   Never heard of anyone I know getting a ticket or anything….  Not even sure how it’s enforced.  

    yeah - every new year's eve every year is a no burn day due to 'air quality' - but it's ok to fill the valley with sulfur from a million fireworks... I guess the tax revenue make the pollution ok. 

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