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Posts posted by jdown

  1. 20 minutes ago, stanley said:

    You can still use a fireplace, but there are “no burn days” declared when the air quality goes to shite.   Never heard of anyone I know getting a ticket or anything….  Not even sure how it’s enforced.  

    yeah - every new year's eve every year is a no burn day due to 'air quality' - but it's ok to fill the valley with sulfur from a million fireworks... I guess the tax revenue make the pollution ok. 

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  2. Are the questions:

    Is it legal to leave it there = No?
    Is it legal for anyone to sit in 'abandon property = Yes?

    Whether you choose to or not is up to you = Yes?

    The note itself does not change any of the above - Correct?

    If you are in it and someone comes to claim it - then again up to you how you handle it but I would allow them to take the blind but I would not leave the tank and create a natural blind (if I chose to sit it in or if someone was sitting in my blind that is how I would like it be handled - If chose to remove the blind).





  3. I agree trphyhntr. It’s on public land. I guess you could say ok you were here first no biggie stay but I do need to take my blind to set up elsewhere if that is what you wanted to do. But I would have no problems with someone in my blind that I left behind - can’t really be upset if you left it on public ground - that’s the chance you take for leaving it. 

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