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Posts posted by stanley

  1. Like a lot of Zonies, I have been going every year for basically my entire life. Parents are long gone, but my siblings and I have kept up the tradition for our extended families.  Lately we’ve been staying in Mission Beach because the younger kids like it there. (I rent a four bedroom so there’s room for my young adults kids plus GFs/BFs and you’re right, it is NOT cheap!)

    A couple of slightly lower cost alternatives are Carlsbad/Oceanside or Ocean Beach.  Maybe try browsing options in those areas??

    Hope you find a good place and enjoy! 👊🏼

  2. No ifs, ands or buts, it WILL be a great season next fall (at least for Gambels...).   Like clockwork, given the solid winter/spring precipitation (at least in most areas), there will be a lot of birds.  Most certainly a 'double hatch' year and possibly triple. ;)

    LOVE IT!

    • Like 5

  3. Could be a fun project card, indeed!

    I had a 69 bug went in high school. Saved up money bagging groceries and bought a rebuilt 1600cc engine for it.  Had a lot of fun tinkering with that car and learning…..    Good memories!

    Good luck with the sale!


  4. Nice stair-climber work.   

    Have gotten around to some of the AZ Trail sections with elevation ups/downs, recently.  Did Four Peaks last month and the Huachuca's weekend before last (Miller Peak ain't no joke! 😩).  Rincons next weekend.  FINALLY starting to feel like my legs are shaping-up.


    • Like 2

  5. 50 minutes ago, Sneaker said:

    I think they are planning to do a spring and a fall round now. Last two years has been in August application with winter hunts, I think with 12 tags? These are 6 new hunts and tags. A friend drew a coues tag last year. They went guided and had a bad experience.

    Makes you wonder how far this can go, how many tags can they auction each year down the road 20? 50? 100? I do have a problem with them saying these hunts have no population impact. It’s low, but not zero. If 1 tag has zero impact then 150 tags has zero impact, see how that math works? They haven’t done a strip tag yet but I’m sure they will eventually or at least they are tempted to, but maybe will stay away from that because of the lower tags offered there.

    Who said there was no population impact?  I didn't read that in the G&F release.....

  6. My nephew bought a big freeze dryer a few years ago, mainly for veggies.   He has since partnered with someone in the Route 66 tourist trade and he does freeze dried candy (Skittles, sweet tarts, gummy bears).   His partner packs them and has them placed in tourist stops along Route 66.  Kids go crazy for them and they’re making a killing. 😂   He assumes the candy fad will pass….   

    • Like 1

  7. Am I missing something?  Looks like they are proposing an overall drop in number of permits.  Some units increased by a few and some decreased by a few, but overall a drop of 875 total.  (24B as an example looks like it has same number of permits as last year, I think?)

    Not saying that some units have what appear to be an overload of permits authorized but seems like it's been that way for quite a while.  Ever since they made the 'opportunity' push several years ago.

    • Like 1

  8. 39 minutes ago, twigsnapper said:

    You guys crack me up, I literally posted a link in this topic to the projects that the money has been spent on.  

    Yup!  It's all right there.  Thanks @twigsnapper!!

    Here it is again, for those who missed it.  If you follow that link, there is a year-over year accounting of the projects and how much money was allocated.  Easy-peasy. ;)

    Habitat Partnership Committee - Arizona Game & Fish Department (azgfd.com)

  9. 1 hour ago, AZ Free Man said:

    I could probably do it, depending on when you have to have it done by. I'm in southeast gilbert.

     Cool.  Zero time table on it.   In fact, I don't even have the parts yet.  Just sort of doing some early prospecting.  Once I get the two metal plates and posts I'll reach-out and see if we can work something out.  

    Thanks a bunch!


    • Like 1

  10. 1 hour ago, 654321 said:

    Pretty sure there was a group that tried that already and it went over like a turd in a punch bowl.

    SFW and/or ASFW, I think.....   

    Yep, went over about like you described. lol

    • Like 1

  11. 11 hours ago, NOTAGS said:

    Hiking with out a tag  or gun or fishing hole to hit is, well,  just hiking .   I need a goal. 

    At my age, just time outside enjoying the scenery and comradery is enough of a goal for me....   No less hunting/fishing, just additional time outside. ;) 


    • Like 6

  12. 12 hours ago, trphyhntr said:

    Went straight for the steep stuff eh? 

    Point taken.....   My buddies who have hiked the whole thing have reminded me several times that we basically started with the flattest/easiest sections (Blue Ridge to GC...).  Oh well, they all will be hiked eventually if we're to finish our goal so might as well get our sea-legs on the easy stuff first.  ;)


  13. Update for anyone who cares or is hiking the trail;

    We're about 10 months into it and have completed 15 passages (265 miles).  Was sort of hoping to be a little further along at this point, but we basically took the fall and early winter off to chase deer and birds.  Last summer we did most of the passages from the Mogollon Rim to the GC South rim (Peaks and Babbit Ranch still left, there...).   Doing passages 1 & 2 in a couple of weeks, then Rincons & Redington Pass in late April.   That will complete everything from the southern border to the Catalinas.  You guys that live in SE AZ sure do have some pretty country to run around in!   

    Still a LONG way to go!

    Anyone else hiking??


    • Like 2

  14. 2 hours ago, trphyhntr said:

    Asking full retail value on a truck with a salvage title is a fair deal to you? Why don’t I ever get  customers like you in real life. 


    Eh….   With the list of extras over stock price, I guess I thought it seemed like a fair deal.   I guess a car salesman would know better though, so I’ll take your mute word for it.  😂
