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Everything posted by JLG

  1. JLG

    6.5mm 143 ELD-X at Midway!

    Unicorn of the reloading world...
  2. JLG

    Primers to go CCI 300

    PM sent
  3. Have 1K of CCI 209 shotgun primers, will trade for small rifle primers, Thanks JLG.
  4. JLG

    209 Shotgun Primers for trade

    No longer available. Thank you for inquiring.
  5. JLG

    Winchester Large Rifle Primers

    Bump this back to the top, I am planning to be in the Valley either tomorrow afternoon evening or Tuesday morning..
  6. I will be in the Valley Friday and I have Winchester Large Rifle primers. I will trade for either small rifle primers any brand or small pistol primers any brand. Want to trade K for K and I can do a couple K, these are trade only not for sale, Thanks guys, Please PM with trade offer, JLG.
  7. JLG

    Advice - Small Pistol Primers Fair Price?

    PM sent, Thanks
  8. JLG

    Another dummy looking for AR lowers...

    CFK, tried to send you a PM no go...probably need to clear some room.
  9. Looking for 30-30 bullets only 150 to 170 grain not particular about manufacturer. Let me know what you have and anything you might be interested in for trade. Thanks JLG.
  10. JLG

    ISO 30-30 bullets only

    Thanks Phil answered your PM
  11. This is a great ad...
  12. JLG

    ISO 30-30 bullets only

    Ferni3, actually only looking for the bullets not loaded rounds. So if someone else wants to jump on his offer I cool with it. Thanks Ferni3.
  13. JLG

    ISO 30-30 bullets only

    Thanks guys. Appreciate the input
  14. JLG

    ISO 30-30 bullets only

    What's your cash price?
  15. JLG

    Anyone want to trade SRPs for LRPs?

    Good luck Nick hope the guys can help you.
  16. JLG

    ISO 17 Remington Brass

    Thank you all.
  17. Looking for a couple 100 pieces. Have other brass I can trade for it or let me know your price, Thanks JLG
  18. I have both Large Rifle and Large Pistol in different flavors. Looking for small rifle primers. Hit me up if you are looking for either and your preference and I will see what I have. Please PM, Thanks. Update with picture
  19. JLG

    Found Thanks

    Awesome, please resend the text. Thank you.
  20. JLG

    Found Thanks

    In search of 32 ACP dies, would like to trade. If you got some and need something in the reloading world ask me, maybe we can make a deal. Thanks JLG.
  21. JLG

    Found Thanks

    Bump back around
  22. Powder Valley has Herco right now. 746 am Thursday.