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Status Replies posted by JLG

  1. 257wby

    257wby    JLG

    Any interest in a bolt action .410?  I can get specifics on it in the morning if you like.

    1. JLG


      Hi Mike I am going down tomorrow to get my mom and bring her up to my place. Will you be around tomorrow? I will be in SunCity West and can meet anywhere that works for you. 

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  2. 257wby

    257wby    JLG

    Any interest in a bolt action .410?  I can get specifics on it in the morning if you like.

  3. 257wby

    257wby    JLG

    Any interest in a bolt action .410?  I can get specifics on it in the morning if you like.

  4. 257wby

    257wby    JLG

    Any interest in a bolt action .410?  I can get specifics on it in the morning if you like.

    1. JLG


      I didn't say this when I wrote the story but she has the 9 year old daughter and also an 11 year old son. The daughter has more passion for hunting but the son hunts too. KRP bought the other 410 for the daughter and will get some money for it from some of the guys that volunteered to help play for. If it's OK with you and your don't have a sentimental attachment to the bolt 410 I wouldn't mind getting it too for her son, so they both have there own. Please let me know. My mom lives in Sun City West so when I come down I am going there. So if you want to still sell the gun I can come to you when I come down to my mom's. Thank you.

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  5. 257wby

    257wby    JLG

    Any interest in a bolt action .410?  I can get specifics on it in the morning if you like.

    1. JLG


      Definitely, please let me know. Thank you. 

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  6. I have a ton of 20 gauge. All real old stuff. Think some 4 and 7 1/2, know lots of 6. Have any interest in that?

    1. JLG


      Sure, do you have pictures of the stuff?  You can text me pictures at 6023178084. Where roughly are you located? 

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)
