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Everything posted by kazpilot25

  1. kazpilot25

    12A North Kaibab bound Friday

    Good luck up there!
  2. kazpilot25

    Cell service help...

    I have the Wilson booster I bought to use with my AT&T phone. When there is a slight bit of service, it works great to boost it to a usable signal. But with AT&T there is hardly ever a hint of a signal when you pull more than a mile into the woods. Can't wait for my contract to end so I can switch over to Verizon.
  3. I'm in the yes camp on this one as well. I feel like all adults should take the class as well. What if the parent of a child never took the class, never read the regs, just picked up a tag and went hunting thinking they knew what they were doing and what was was legal. That same person brings their kid hunting and teaches them all the wrong things, but since the hunter ed class was not required, the kid has no opportunity to learn correctly.
  4. kazpilot25

    Savage 17 WSM???

    It's a fun little round. The savage B-Mag with the plastic stock had problems because the stock was so poorly made. I've actually sold quite a few rifles in the 17WSM lately and everyone seems to love it. It's definitely a fun little round to shoot.
  5. kazpilot25

    please close!

    I'm pretty sure the 12x9 sets up like a wall tent, whereas the 10x14 uses the flex bow system.
  6. kazpilot25

    please close!

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but the 12x9 is the "cabin" tent correct? That model is a lot different in setting up than the 10x10 or 10x14. I have the 10x14 deluxe, and love it and the ease of setting up. I opted for the 10x14 over the 12x9 because of the setup difference. Just something to think about.
  7. kazpilot25

    Good camping spot for a family weekend?

    Thanks guys. Looks like I'll just find a spot off Rocky Park Rd. I'll have to try big lake when I get a long weekend because that's a drive.
  8. Hey guys, We're planning on heading up north next weekend and doing some camping with the family. I was thinking somewhere up off stoneman lake rd or up by Mormon lake. Does anyone have a good spot they'd be willing to share? Taking my 5 and 2 year old girls.
  9. kazpilot25

    A great day, Jared is done with treatment

    That is so awesome! Go Jared!
  10. kazpilot25

    AZGFD and Portal for Leftovers

    I called this afternoon and I got an early 36B tag.
  11. Well I just called up G&F and ended up getting the 36B October leftover. Score!
  12. Haha. I'll see you there!
  13. kazpilot25

    Eagle Scout

    Very cool Congrats!
  14. I almost did the same thing, but decided I'd just take my chances with 36B. I don't know 36A at all, and I'm not going to have the time to scout and learn a new unit.
  15. I've hunted both the October and early November hunts in 36B and personally feel that they are very different. By the time the November hunt rolls around, you can tell the deer are on high alert. The October hunt it warm, very warm, so be prepared. With some patience you should be able to locate deer by glassing. South slopes in the morning, North slopes in the day. Pick apart the shadows and find them bedded and moving around the shade. You and me both. With only 27 leftover tags for the early hunt, the odds are not in our favor. I put the November leftover as my second choice just in case.
  16. kazpilot25

    Diamondback vs viper

    I've used both and here's what I can tell you. The difference in the glass is pretty substantial. The clarity and color in the Viper is clearer. After looking through the Viper for a while, you can look through a diamondback and feel like everything is pretty washed out. Just my 2 cents. I would go with the viper.
  17. kazpilot25

    260 AR barrel recommendations

    Awesome choice. Those black hole barrels are fantastic.
  18. kazpilot25

    Backpacking in border units?

    I actually remember that fire. Crazy story.
  19. kazpilot25

    Prayers For My Wife

    Prayers Sent.
  20. kazpilot25

    2005 Starcraft RT-11 Tent trailer

    Is that english? I was wondering the same thing… ha.
  21. kazpilot25

    Got my cams

    Amen to that. A lock box will not stop anyone from stealing it if they're heck bent on doing so.
  22. kazpilot25

    Camping Tent

    I have the same tent and love it. You're going to be camping a lot more now that you have a nice tent.
  23. kazpilot25

    Thousands of pictures! Help

    I'd say you need to clear the branches and grass around the cam. Wind will definitely trigger it.
  24. kazpilot25

    Hecs Stealth Shield

    I'm going to go with snake oil on this one as well. I saw the ad on the outdoors channel the other day, they also had a full on tv show for the stuff where they showed different hunts using it. The only thing I was thinking the entire time was… scam. With proper camo and scent control, you can achieve the same results. Their entire basis is on the EM fields produced by the body, and blocked by the suit. Where is the science to back up any of their claims about animals sensing these EM fields? Show me the science and I might have a different take on it. Without it, it's just an baseless marketing ploy.
  25. kazpilot25

    SCI 5th biggest archery desert mule deer

    Very impressive!