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Everything posted by Swivelhead

  1. Swivelhead

    Nobody / anybody

    Drew 5B last year (2020) with 27 points. Got tag #4 in the 20% pass.
  2. Swivelhead


    Proposed trail cam ban is largely unenforceable by AZGF as written. So why bother? What I could get behind would be a state law banning unattended surveilance equipment on ANY public property throughout our fine state.
  3. Swivelhead

    What ever goes topic!!!

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gr-Poz2E1o0 A little off road thunder
  4. Swivelhead

    Enough moisture?

  5. Swivelhead

    Tick Tock

    I had hoped to have AZ results (CC hits) prior to NM deadline. Looks like I'll be applying for NM.
  6. Swivelhead

    Tick Tock

    Mine too.
  7. Swivelhead

    Got it done with the .357

    Cool! Thx for posting.
  8. Swivelhead

    Tripods head type?

    A quality two way pan head with fluid movement is best. Get a good one and don't look back. For a light, compact option that will handle a lot of weight consider a quality panning ball head. I've used quite a few different tripod heads over the years and this is what I prefer. Pistol grip heads, nada bueno IMO.
  9. Swivelhead

    Longest two weeks of the year

    LOL, our info was probably intercepted by the hackers that run the Jamaican lottery. Wonder how they dummied up our draw receipts. Those guys are good. AZGF IT, not so much.
  10. Swivelhead

    Tick Tock

    FYI, in previous draws my apps showed up on my portal soon after applying and ALWAYs prior to cards getting hit. So heck yeah I'm going to call, made my call over a week ago. AZGF should have sent an email long ago advising that portals may not show current draw apps. AZGF IT has got to get better.
  11. Swivelhead

    Tick Tock

    Although the woman said 210K applications, suspect she meant 210K applicants.
  12. Swivelhead

    Tick Tock

    This ^^^ As of this morning, my portal still shows that I did not apply. Called AZGF IT a week ago and was told as long as I had my receipts (which I do), not to worry. Woman I spoke with said there were 210K applications. Not sure why AZGF seems to have issues with the draw but at least they are consistent.
  13. Swivelhead

    I'm callin the cops!

  14. Swivelhead

    My brother's 600 yard kill shot

    I agree. Personally, I would have stopped shooting and verified the rifle was on/off a little sooner in the process.
  15. Swivelhead

    Arizona women target serial killer of Heber wild horses

    A one sided hack job by a "journalist". As stated earlier, why don't they interview a biologist? Likely, it would not pull on the heartstrings so why bother. Look for a repeat of the Salt River horse fiasco just a different venue. Our politicians will fold like tents to "popular' opinion. As long as AZ has tribal reservations, we'll have plenty of feral horses.
  16. Swivelhead


    Shooters/reloaders who are striving for consistent ammo. Done properly, annealing also prolongs the life of brass.
  17. Swivelhead

    RIP Rush

    Always enjoyed listening to the lefties complain about Rush. He could really wind them up. Especially liked the sound intro to his enviromental report. Chainsaws whining, backup horns on heavy equipment, etc. Classic!
  18. Swivelhead

    1st Owner Looking to buy a new 4 Wheeler

    For comforts sake, consider a ride that has independent suspension at all 4 corners.
  19. Swivelhead

    Which Dog Boots?

    Looking to get my dog into some boots. Anybody recommend a brand or style? Also curious about any tips or tricks to make the transition to boots easy on the dog. Thx in advance for any suggestions.
  20. Swivelhead

    Which Dog Boots?

    Thanks for the replies. LOL, I'll bet it's tougher putting the boots on the 2nd time too.
  21. Swivelhead

    Rock Quarry on Table Mesa Rd

    BLM land/claims being actively mined. There are two mining operations, one at the gas line and another on the telegraph line closer to the Agua Fria.
  22. Swivelhead

    The Davey Allison story for Edge

    IIRC, a hot 3.5" 12 gauge turkey load is 60+ ft. lbs. of recoil. About the equivalent of a 458 Winchester.
  23. Found this PDF while researching the Kofas for info about sheep hunting many years ago. Report is a somewhat informal document compared to the narratives cranked out by todays wildlife managers. I think it's an enjoyable read and thought I'd post a link. Shocking how many deer tags were given in those days. Tried to find additional annual reports without any luck. Deer hunted the Kofas for the 1st time in October of 1972. Had just turned sixteen a month prior, got my drivers license and the use of a 1963 Chevy pickup. A high school buddy and I made the trek from Phoenix, it was our 1st big hunt without adult supervision. I got a small buck on day 4. We had a blast. Love those mountains. KGR_Rodriguez_1973_Narrative_report_CY_1972_242.pdf
  24. Swivelhead


    You must purchase a hunting license and the license has to be valid on the date of the application deadline.
  25. Swivelhead

    Close encounter with an F-22 fighter jet

    Always cool to watch military hardware operate. Low level C-130's are one of my favorites. Had a camp in New Mexico that C-130's buzzed @ treetop every couple days. Very cool.