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Outdoor Writer

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Status Replies posted by Outdoor Writer

  1. A.O.W     (about the not enough blood for both!)     Yes, lots of  Men (?)  Over estimate . Thinking that they are the cats- Meow-& the dogs Bow-Wow. I suggest that they stand very ---close to the urinal. Stop -over estimating. And Deal with the Real!   It,s easier to not have to cover,your tracks.

    1. Outdoor Writer

      Outdoor Writer



      That's better. ☺️

      I don't believe we've ever met. 

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  2. A.O.W     (about the not enough blood for both!)     Yes, lots of  Men (?)  Over estimate . Thinking that they are the cats- Meow-& the dogs Bow-Wow. I suggest that they stand very ---close to the urinal. Stop -over estimating. And Deal with the Real!   It,s easier to not have to cover,your tracks.

    1. Outdoor Writer

      Outdoor Writer

      Without a name, I have no idea whether I know you or not.🤔

      I knew one taxidermist in Tucson many years ago. He made a repro salmon for me in exchange for letting him use it for his own work. I think his name was Jerry something. l also know Chris Harlow from when he worked for Bob Peers here at Quail Run in Phx. In fact, Chris mounted many of the critters in my trophy room. 

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  3. A.O.W     (about the not enough blood for both!)     Yes, lots of  Men (?)  Over estimate . Thinking that they are the cats- Meow-& the dogs Bow-Wow. I suggest that they stand very ---close to the urinal. Stop -over estimating. And Deal with the Real!   It,s easier to not have to cover,your tracks.
