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6 pack charters

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16 hours ago, Heat said:

Boats, crews, customer service just seem to not be as good as the others.

Keep in mind this is just my opinion based on a very small sample size. Given a choice, I like Seaforth best but their boats book pretty fast. The parking there is a breeze but the bait from that receiver is generally not as good as the bait they have in the big bay the other 3 landings have access to. What it really boils down with me is relationships. I like fishing with guys I trust. I trust Jeff and Mike and Chapo on the Outrider with my life. They go above and beyond, always. That is first and foremost, the rest is BS but those dudes can catch fish with the best of them.

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6 hours ago, Heat said:

 What it really boils down with me is relationships. I like fishing with guys I trust. I trust Jeff and Mike and Chapo on the Outrider with my life. 

The key is trust, relationship and guys you like to fish with.  I have fished with boats out of San Diego and Oxnard/Ventura and been on some great boats over the very many years and then the same captains and deckhands have had some really bad days.  I get it, you fish enough days you will hit some bad days with the crews.  I always give them the benefit of the doubt.

One of my favorite big boats fishing limited loads is Aztec with Greg out of Seatforth.

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10 hours ago, NewlyMinted said:

Of the ones you posted, this one looks to be the nicest. Look forward to how it is.. if you need a 6th last minute


Most of the 6 packs seems to offer their own tackle but you can bring your own if you want

I always ask what they plan to target and have been targeting and can I bring my own gear.  Also,  can I grown my own irons from the bow? Most will say bring your own gear and sure feel free to cast from the bow, plenty of room.

As NewlyMinted stated, many of the 6packs have 2 types of steups, a light and heavy setup already rigged up ready to go.  They usually have more inside and also have kite setups too.  Many of the owners/captains when you talk to them on the phone during bookings, ask the questions and they invite you to call back and ask more questions later.

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