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Good 4x4 transmission shop

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I used to be a transmission sales man state wide. (Sold over $1 million in Transmissions every year)  I sold for a company called AllTrans, but I’ve heard they have gone way down in quality. I wouldn’t use them to build my transmission but they might have the part you need? 
The only company I would trust state wide would be Trails Transmission out in Aj,,, they might be able to locate the part for you. Also there’s a guy in Mesa named Lorenzo, but I can’t remember the name of his place there off main. 

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21 hours ago, Vowell said:

I used to be a transmission sales man state wide. (Sold over $1 million in Transmissions every year)  I sold for a company called AllTrans, but I’ve heard they have gone way down in quality. I wouldn’t use them to build my transmission but they might have the part you need? 
The only company I would trust state wide would be Trails Transmission out in Aj,,, they might be able to locate the part for you. Also there’s a guy in Mesa named Lorenzo, but I can’t remember the name of his place there off main. 

Lorenzo's Auto Repair?

1303 E Main St. Mesa, AZ 85203 · (480) 238-8799

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Is there a part number? Junk yards.

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