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Had an awesome trip home to hunt with my uncles, dad, and brothers. Killed limits of ducks every morning, as well as real easy limits of pheasants. The geese and crane were few and far between, so I didn't get to kill any this trip. I killed a banded drake pintail on my first morning, first banded pintail I've seen (you can see the band on the pic i just noticed, you can also tell by the bags under my eyes that I partied to late and got up to early!!). Actually killed my first limit of Hungarian partridge in quite a few years too. Brought home a nice cooler of meat to boot!!





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Dang! Must be nice to have that kind of bird hunting surrounding your place. Looks like a lot of fun.


It hasn't always been that way... the ducks have been a lot better I guess, but our pheasant hunting is unreal right now... if we get one more "normal" winter they are toast... The term normal doesn't mean much anymore, since we haven't had a nasty winter in ten years up there. My dad and I plant a lot of food plots and try to leave cover for them, I think that all helps, but pheasants aren't designed for our type of country, and one bad winter can thin them out real quick. I just got done filling my belly full of creamed pheasant and wild rice, nothing better!!!


You should move yourself up there after you graduate! Rural ND is screaming for dentists, the state will pay off 80K of your loans if you work in a rural area for 4 years... most people would kill to have a good job in rural ND, but unless you're a farmer it's a tough place to make a living. I also know of a town or two that have dentists that are of retirement age that are trying to give away their practices to anyone willing to take them!! Of course you'd have to learn to get along with the winters, but ice fishing and coyote calling can keep a guy warm all winter!

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I'm already on WICHE, which is a similar program through AZ where they are picking up half of my tuition in exchange for 4 years of my service here when I'm done. The nice thing about it is that there are no stipulations as to where or what kind of practice I choose to go just as long as it's in the state. I'll just have to come up there and visit your clinic to see what kind of hunti....er....procedures that are taking place. ;)

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