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What about a New Topic?

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Hello sportsman and women. Just asking the question, what do you all think about having a topic here dedicated to bird Hunters and or training bird dogs?? Seasons over and I am already climbing the walls. I just can't get enough of bird hunting and dog work. Seems a bunch of us coues enthusiast are also bird hunters and train a few dogs. Amanda, what do you think? Thanks for your comments and consideration.


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I'll probably get slapped for this, since my Dad is a Trainer, Trial'er, and bird hunting NUT..... :rolleyes: ... but I come here for the Coues.... and Bone.... and conversation about Coues and Bone..... (by Bone I mean anything that grows on a critter's head.... bone or hair based) ;)


And I know that I am not being open minded... and that ain't nice..... but I'm into big game! I like stuff that has enough blood in it to leave a blood trail! Let's talk about stuff like that!! :D


Now if you are talking about shooting the heads off birds at long range.... I'm IN!!! :blink: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Shooting birds is like swatting flies.


Bill Quimby



See!! That is what I Meant!!!! Thanks for summing it up in one phrase, Mr. Q!!! ;) :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Only a suggestion boys. Seems we already have a sight dedicated to mostly bird hunting enthusiast "small game hunting" I too enjoy fine guns, blood and bone, but as I have gotten older I have begun to also enjoy a fine shotgun, pointing dogs and a good single malt scotch. My bad! Sorry for asking.


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Don't take it so hard, they were just messing with you. :) I am always interested in new suggestions for improving the site. So thank you for your input! I don't mind a new section like that, but I guess that's why I created the small game hunting section, so I am not sure we need a new section for it. If enough people started posting dog training stuff, I might do it. But right now lots of people post their quail hunts and such in this section.


Let's see what more people have to say.



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Swatting flies? Perhaps someone has never been chukar hunting...


I think its a great idea! And in response to the 'bone-lust' thing, just because we can't put a measuring tape to a bird to boost our egos doesn't mean they shouldn't get some attention, right?


After all, these gentlemen did have enough interest to read the post in the first place, no? (No disrespect intended here, Mr. Quimby or Mr. C&S, just friendly banter)


As soon as I graduate, one of my immediate goals is to get a pointer and devote some serious time to training and becoming its best friend. Something I've wanted to do for a LONG time now.


Single malt scotch? Not so much, but I've got a busted 870 and a few Coors Lights back in the truck. Its the finer things in life right?



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Swatting flies? Perhaps someone has never been chukar hunting...


I think its a great idea! And in response to the 'bone-lust' thing, just because we can't put a measuring tape to a bird to boost our egos doesn't mean they shouldn't get some attention, right?


After all, these gentlemen did have enough interest to read the post in the first place, no? (No disrespect intended here, Mr. Quimby or Mr. C&S, just friendly banter)


As soon as I graduate, one of my immediate goals is to get a pointer and devote some serious time to training and becoming its best friend. Something I've wanted to do for a LONG time now.



:rolleyes: Mr, J..... :rolleyes: :P :lol: :lol:


Also, save yourself some heartache.... get a GSP!!! Pointers are for those that don't know any better! ;) :rolleyes: :P :lol: :lol: :lol:



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Since the S and W keys are right next to each other, I can overlook your typo. I am sure you meant GWP ;) :P


Maybe Amanda can retitle the forum section to Small Game, Upland Bird and Waterfowl Hunting, instead of creating a new section to the already extensive list.

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I like this Idea.


I am a Pointer guy Cant get enough of them. I also run NSTRA field trials. I Personally cant think of anything better than watching a dog on point. Style Intensity drive determination.


A thought on the 870


Who do you think gets more birds a guy with a $5000 dollar shotgun or the guy with a $5000 dollar Bird dog?


Guns are just tools to get the desired result. Bird dogs find the desired result.

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"I'll probably get slapped for this, since my Dad is a Trainer, Trial'er, and bird hunting NUT..... ... but I come here for the Coues.... and Bone.... and conversation about Coues and Bone..... (by Bone I mean anything that grows on a critter's head.... bone or hair based)


And I know that I am not being open minded... and that ain't nice..... but I'm into big game! I like stuff that has enough blood in it to leave a blood trail! Let's talk about stuff like that!!


Now if you are talking about shooting the heads off birds at long range.... I'm IN!!! "



LOL...Now that is the funniest quote I have ever read on this site. Dang you got some charachter man....


As for adding birds to the site... By all means, couldn't hurt.


No lie though..... that was a hilarious statement.

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<<<<<Swatting flies? Perhaps someone has never been chukar hunting..>>>>


Wrong. I accompanied a couple of friends to look for those things on the North Rim more than 30 years ago. Shot two, and spent the rest of the trip looking at deer.


It isn't that I haven't killed more than my share of birds.


I grew up in Yuma when it was the dove hunting capital of the world, and I've probably shot enough of those flying lice to fill a pickup truck.


Ditto with geese and ducks on the lower Colorado River when there still was a river there, Gambel's quail in the Willow Springs Country in its heyday, Mearn's quail in the Santa Ritas, and sagehens in Wyoming.


Wing shooting simply isn't fun for me any more. I get more fun shooting skeet and trap.


Far be it for me to knock you young guys who still enjoy swatting little birdies even though, in my biased opinion, the only featured creature worth hunting is a gobbler in the spring.


Bill Quimby

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Shooting birds is like swatting flies.


Bill Quimby


I respect your opinion but IMO I would rather hunt just about every weekend of a 4.5 month long season and watch my pup go from zero to hero in a single season and shoot several dozen birds over him then taking the chance of maybe getting a tag and hunt a weekend or two out of the year.

Don't get me wrong, I LOVE to hunt for horns and I'm glad I don't have to choice between the two.


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"like swating fly's" :blink:

yes very very fast flushing white polka dotted flys!!!!!!!!!!! :lol: you haven't hunted the "little terrorist" "flys" gambles i hunt <_< they will make you (and the dog you brought) look so stupid at times you won't even tell your buddys what happed. :blink: hunt2live your right one target.same with you gonhuntn.

nothing to me like seeing a nicely trained bird dog of any breed quartering through the bush then in an instant "bang" stiff as a board with the look of "i got em.. come and kill em" bird country is all so pretty and diverse. don't get me wrong a big bull elk coming into my calls or glassing us a big coues buck has a place in my heart but man upland bird hunting once you "get it" the dogs,(the 100's of training hrs all coming together)the birds,the guns,the country and the guys who love it not sure much else compares.and as i age(i am not in the "spring chicken" age anymore) i enjoy my time in the "bird field" more and more each year as Arizonas "bird fields" as pretty as they are can really work a guy over.


matt t love this one:

A thought on the 870


"Who do you think gets more birds a guy with a $5000 dollar shotgun or the guy with a $5000 dollar Bird dog?"

man i can get a lot of gun dog for $5000.00 my 870 has put quite a few "flys" in my game bag.lol :P



when my stud dog "rico" just flat "hammered" his first wild bird point of his young life on mearns this year then brought the shot bird right to my hand...almost undescribalbe to someone who dosn't "get it"


gohuntn i think redrabbitt is right on track and that is sort of what goes on here in the small game fourum. i am somewhat new to the site but have enjoyed it and all the pics and storys.please don't let someones "jesting" discourage your ideas ;)


i think there are enough bird hunters to keep a strong bird hunting dog training fourum going.


alot of my 2 cents.

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