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By the end of the year, you will be able to buy trail cams that use cellular cameras. These will not only take photos of your next wall hanger, they will email you the pictures from the field.



Cellular trail camera

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Very cool. Probably very Pricey. If that was the only option besides 35mm, I might be inclined to use 35's since the monthly service fees on the phone would buy quite a few rolls of film and developing.


but when money is no object, I bet they will sell a lot of them. Would be nice if they could set it up on one of those pre-paid cellular set-up so the monthly fees don't kill you.

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Sounds like a cool use of technology, BUT... One problem I see is the lack of cell service where we pack in to hunt on Bigbuck Ridge. I also see this as taking the real scouting and hunting out of hunting. Will next year's real time video model come equipped with a rifle on servos controlled by our keyboard, like the system getting all the flak (and rightfully so) in Texas?


Doug~Red Rabbit

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Doug, that sounds like something we need to be using in Iraq not Tx.

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Imagine how this could help out with the lion hunting :D If ya get e-mailed a pic of a lion just as it happens........Well all a guy has to do is grab his hounds hit the trail :lol:

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All for that in Iraq.


One other use for these might be Law enforcement! The Deer "robot" that the AZGFD is an interesting item, but imagine putting a few of these out along popular trails to watch for trespassers or poachers?


Big brother can use any good idea for bad, if given the chance.

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The border patrol could use the cameras, then if it was an animal, a hunter, or a minuteman, they wouldn't have to go check and waste their time, at least that is what I read. That gun on servos with a camera linked to a monitor would be the way to go in Iraq, I would have them mounted everywhere, and have explosives that I could detonate if stolen, or a homing device that I could track it with. The milatary is probably where this technology originates from anyways. As far as that robo-deer goes I've seen it a few times, it's always right off of a road so they can get people for shooting from a vehicle, it looked real obvious to me that it was fake, but I watched a guy get out of his truck and walk to about thirty yards and launch an arrow, those game and fish guys came out of the woodwork to stop him and then let him go because he didn't shoot from the vehicle or across a road. I had my son and nephew with me, 4 and 7 they thought it was funny.

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