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message to prdtor

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tried to send you a pm, but had just sent another one. anyway, yes, it is a lot faster to go across the rez. takes off over a 100 miles and a couple hours. take the geronimo trail to almost point of pines, turn east on the eagle creek ranch road. it's about 18 miles to the upper eagle road. comes out just south of the old rutherford store. the road is rough, but as long as it's dry you can make it ok. i wouldn't haul a camp trailer across it. i wouldn't go that way if it's wet either. you have to buy some kind of rez permit to be legal. you can get a fishing, varmint, or trespass permit. they're all $10. you can get it em in globe or at the rez game and fish in peridot. you can also go north from point of pines and come out in upper dry prong. hang a right at freezeout and stay on that road. probly better hunting up there too. Lark.

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