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Second stand of 2010, first day out

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First stand was dry, tired to make it happen but nothing would come in.


Second stand, Jake and I, and my buddy COLIN were driving around checking waterholes for ducks. Saw some extremly interesting and "Foxy" looking rocks. In our short, 50 yard hike in we saw two piles on fox poo, and one that looked like Big Foot laid, it intimidated me! Anyways... I set the Foxpro about 10 yards infront of me as I knew it would be quick as conditions were close. COLIN was sitting right next to me, as he is a hunting virgin and is yet to kill anything, so I wanted him to get a shot. At the ten minute mark, this pretty female popped up right behind the call, at about 15 yards. I told COLIN "Theres a fox"... Since he is pretty new to hunting, he didnt raise up in time and I beat him to the trigger and dropped the hammer.The number 4 buck put her down on the spot! COLIN was sad he missed out, but he needs to be quicker. He will learn in time!



(Jake has the pictures, will post soon)

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