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I was not lucky enough to draw a deer tag this year. So i was thinking about getting a 30a leftover but have never hunted there before> Should i go for it??? Does anyone hunt there or hunted there in the past that could give me a review. Im not looking for SPOTS!!!! Just hopping for some feed back to help me make a decision on going or not!!! Anything would help thanks!!!

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where do you live? might need to think about if the gas $ will be worth it. more and more access problems in this unit. last area I hunted in that unit we were only seeing 5 - 6 deer a day. could be a tough or frustrating hunt or both. pretty frustrating to look on a map at an area only to show up confronted with a locked gate.

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Why not go with 36a or 36b? Great country with lots of deer.

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I live in mesa so yes it would be very far from me. Sun devil did u end up harvesting a deer? I was looking to go past willcox in that area on border of 29.


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we went 1 for 2. it was a leftover Oct hunt. we spent probably 3 weekends scouting before we decided on an area we were going to hunt. tough hunt for sure. we were fortunate in that we ended up in an area that did not have much other hunting pressure but the low deer numbers made it discouraging. my buddy got a nice 3X3 mid-morning on opening day. good luck. not much time left between now and Oct 22nd.

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ok i hunted there in 2004 and there was alot of bucks small at the time, but i was able to harvist a nice 4x3 and my cousin scored i monster of a buck a week after i think he scored 98 +

deer are there just need to do your home work just like any hunting down south.


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Hi all newbie here but had to chime in .Nighthawk there are lot of things to consider before you get a tag in 30A like are you trophy hunting (looking for a monster) or are you just wanting to hunt and have a good time and possibly bag a buck.There is allot of time ,money,energy,and preparation in hunting and the farther you go away from home the more costly it becomes.My 10 year old son was in your shoes and was not able to get drawn for his youth hunt so he looked on the net and found out there were tags for 30A ,36A,36B .we could not agree more with Joeybari on doing home work first just Google unit 30A and you will see what I'm talking about .It seems to be allot of access issues there and some pretty bad stories in the past .My wife and I were lucky enough to get tags for mule deer this season in unit 27 so are son didn't want to get left out not being able to hunt, and for him harvesting meat and having a good time hunting and camping is what its about so since we have hunted 36A and 36B (not to mention closer to us than 30A) he chose 36b the late November hunt.Not trying to discourage you at all just my 2 cents plus if I took my kid out there and all we ran into was no access and no hunting posts every where he'd be @#$% to say the least .Hammy is right lots of Deer in 36A and 36B so the chance of seeing lots of coues for are situation led to getting a tag in 36B .witch reminds me do any of you folks have any pre scouting parties? ;)

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hello my name is jonathan im hunting unit 30a this year i have been scotting it alot and seen some good buck but sorry i wont tell you my spot. this is a good area you might want to think about the Dos cabezas mountains cus the its not all thick cover theres alot of open grass areas . this area is good if you dont mind to walk in cus theres only two access ponit that you can drive in . GOOD LUCK

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