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Wolves moving West

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My shovel is freshly sharpened!



The era for wolves is over. Man has been trying to eradicate them since the beginning of time. They are in direct conflict with everything we do. If you like hunting deer and elk, then forget about liking wolves. We will reach a point where they will be pretty much replacing us as the main consumers of these big game animals. They are way better at breeding than lions and kill more animals for sport than lions. They are pretty much the kiss of death to our lifestyle if they get a real good foot-hold.


No more deer and elk tags, few hunting licenses = AGFD out of money. They will either have to become a taxpayer burden (that will go over great) or be absorbed by some other department with a lesser role in life.


Wolves are worse than bark beetles, zebra mussels, CWD and droughts all at the same time!




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Why stop with the wolf. Let's eliminate the mountain lion, bobcat, lynx, bears, foxes, any carnivorous animal. Then we can have it all for ourselves. That's what we are really talking about here isn't it?


This is just another tune to the same song. One month it is this and the next it is that.


In a couple of hundred years it will all be gone anyways. The frontier will just be a memory.


I don't have the real answer to the wolf issue but most here don't either.



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Not a whole lot new here to add, but I met a couple really nice guys from Montana this year who had finally drawn a quality AZ archery bull tag after years of applying. At first, I wasn't real clear why they were so exited to be hunting elk in AZ, when as I thought, Montana was full of elk. After some conversations around the campfire, I came to realize that those expansive herds of elk in Montana had been all but decimated by the re-introduction of wolves. These guys were super exited to drive all the way down here to hunt elk where the herds are still healthy, even growing, as their own herds were disappearing year after year. Kind of opened my eyes a little more to devastation wolves can have. Of course, we're talking Mexican Greys with some "dog" mixed in compared to those huge Canadian wolves. But still, our elk population is something special and unique - and given that it is here primarily due to the efforts of hunters and hunting-oriented management, I'm against anything that jeapordizes our elk and deer herds.



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Why stop with the wolf. Let's eliminate the mountain lion, bobcat, lynx, bears, foxes, any carnivorous animal. Then we can have it all for ourselves. That's what we are really talking about here isn't it?


This is just another tune to the same song. One month it is this and the next it is that.


In a couple of hundred years it will all be gone anyways. The frontier will just be a memory.


I'm with you on that Griz!

I like looking back on my backtrail to see whats hunting me! The wild west as it should be, not F'n tame and lame. Like when my buds and I watched a Mtn. lion w/cubs take a deer down awhile back. All I can say is it was awesome! Thats what I like to hear and see. Nature at its best.

But to each their own I guess...

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