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but what really leaves me wondering is how people can get so enthusiastic about watching other people running, jumping and throwing. I still don't get it. It's like watching other people catch bass or shoot turkeys on TV.


Bill Quimby


I don't know Bill it is just hard to explain. I guess one has to be a sports fan to understand why people love watching sports. I am not much of a reality TV guy myself but sports is the original reality TV in a way. You never know what is going to happen next, nothing is predestined. All the drama is playing out before your eyes. In a lot of our cases we played these sports in high school or college and we have a love for the sport and the dedication and skill it takes to compete at such a high level. It is hard to understand how skilled these guys (and women) really are. It is very hard to comprehend how a guy that is 6-4 330lbs is faster, more nimble and agile than 99% of the general public. And when you see these guys (or women) perform in person its hard not to have respect for their skill set. Simply its a blast to watch and admire. Its the same with woman’s softball, volleyball, hockey etc.


For me it is much different than watching hunting or fishing on TV simply because we can all hunt and fish. Yes some better than others, I know that argument is coming :lol: . But very few have the god given abilities to play sports at a high level.


I know sports is not every one's cup of tea and thats cool. Just like I have friends that dont care for hunting. They understand why I love it and have no problem with hunting but it just does not intrest them.

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Okay SunDevil my friend sense you don’t understand or comprehend the facts I posted about basketball let me explain it for you. It means the ASU basketball program will be in their rightful place under the Cats boot heals for a very long time. It does not mean that we WILL have a better team in a few years it means we have a better team NOW!!!!!!! this year.


Hate to Say I told you so But!!!!!!!




PS....... You know this is all good natured kidding right :lol:

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the world is right again, ua basketball back in the top 25 in both polls, all alone at the top of the pac-10 standings with that other az school (if you could call it that) taking up their traditional spot in the cellar. Did anyone else notice that when ua basketball slumped, the economy crashed. I'm sure that the economy will recover now that ua basketball has. ;)


In the world of football, looks like ua clearly won the recruiting battle this year, further seperating the two programs.


(good thing asu has hockey to fall back on - are they even ncaa teams?)

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of the top 13 football recruits in the state of AZ, only 2 went to AZ schools. That's embarrassing.

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of the top 13 football recruits in the state of AZ, only 2 went to AZ schools. That's embarrassing.


NO KIDDING - how do Rutgers and Cincinnati end up having better recruiting classes than ASU or ua. Pathetic.


all of you wanna be kittie fans that think that player from CDO is going to be a heisman trophy candidate better think again. ua will be lucky if he even sees the playing field. he will have to work VERY hard at: 1) being eligible from an education standpoint 2) being eligible from a disciplinary standpoint 3) learning and understanding a college playbook.


Oh come on Devil..........would you be singing that same tune had he committed to ASU. I agree with number 1 but 2 and 3 is pure hyperbole. Sounds like sour grapes to me. Heck he already showed great intelligence by knowing not sign with ASU. Heisman candidate no way. Impact player more than likely. The truth is recruiting is a crap shoot to begin with. Only time will tell how these kids will develop.

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KWP - just curious what further separation you are talking about in football. ASU finished 6th in the Pac10 and ua finished 7th. kitties ended up with one more win in total and thus got the priviledge of attending the Alamo slaughter. if USC, OSU or ASU had been eligible, kitties would have gone to a much more deserving bowl. nothing like closing with 5 straight losses. better cross your fingers that the basketball team doesn't fall apart down the stretch like the football team did. more than anything, probably comes down to how healthy williams can keep his pinky finger. probably big drop off next year when he goes pro. enjoy it while it lasts. good thing stoops brought in a JC kicker. would really hate to see more kicking fiascoes next year for the kitties.


And if my aunt had a package she would be my uncle. USC, ASU were not eligible so we can leave ifs and buts out of it. USC cheats UofA didn't. ASU scheduled to many cupcakes and were not eligible :lol: UofA scheduled appropriately.


As far as Miller and company falling apart next year don't count on it. This team is not a flash in the pan. Yes Williams is the best player on the team but how soon you forget about how well Miller is recruiting. I proved that point once do we need to go over it again? A top 10 ranked recruiting class coming in next year. All is good.

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of the top 13 football recruits in the state of AZ, only 2 went to AZ schools. That's embarrassing.


NO KIDDING - how do Rutgers and Cincinnati end up having better recruiting classes than ASU or ua. Pathetic.


all of you wanna be kittie fans that think that player from CDO is going to be a heisman trophy candidate better think again. ua will be lucky if he even sees the playing field. he will have to work VERY hard at: 1) being eligible from an education standpoint 2) being eligible from a disciplinary standpoint 3) learning and understanding a college playbook.


Oh come on Devil..........would you be singing that same tune had he committed to ASU. I agree with number 1 but 2 and 3 is pure hyperbole. Sounds like sour grapes to me. Heck he already showed great intelligence by knowing not sign with ASU. Heisman candidate no way. Impact player more than likely. The truth is recruiting is a crap shoot to begin with. Only time will tell how these kids will develop.


no sour grapes here dog. I was really actually a little disappointed when I heard ASU was going after him. IMO, no sense wasting time on someone who isn't going to be able to hang in college. and I guess the people I know in high school athletics that said he was suspended for two games for disciplinary purposes don't know what they are talking about. and he might not even be eligible to get into nogales north let alone stay eligible once he enrolls. hopefully it works out for him but he has a tough road ahead of him that is going to take a lot of hard work and discipline.



So you were disappointed they were recruiting Carey? Were you equally disappointed ASU recruited Vontez Burfect a few years back. And how has he turned out for you. Sure Burfect has provided ASU with more than a few embarrassing moments but overall he is the best player ASU has and the best line backer in the Pac. He was a much bigger risk not to stay in school than Carey is. And I have no idea if the people you know in high school athletics are right or not. They could be. But it is more widely reported the reason he missed a few games this year was due to injury. He will make it into Nogales North (as you call it) cant you come up with something more original. Hey don’t you live in Nogales North by the way? Hey when you went to ASU were you one of the students that would throw tortillas at or football team, or chanted "where is Bobbie" At Lute Olson after she died of cancer. Surely you are to young to be one of the ASU students that taunted Steve Kerr with the "PLO" and "where's your dad" chants after Kerr's father was assassinated by the PLO in Beirut. But I digress. Not all ASU grads are bad people. You seem to be a pretty cool guy and our new AD Greg Byrne is a ASU grad and I think he is going to be great!!!

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well since I must, how about ALL of the ua fans that embarassed "their" school and this town when my nephews came to see the BYU game a few years ago. these boys have been all over the country to see BYU play (Boston College, Notre Dame, Georgia Tech, etc). To say I was embarassed to take them down on the mall is an understatement. Anyway, the next day, when I was driving them to the airport, the TEN year old asks me "why are the ua fans so mean? they are the worst ever." you know what they say, honesty comes from the mouths of drunks and babes. I also have a really good friend who goes to a ua road game every year. he comes home and is always amazed at how friendly the fans from the other schools are. I guess you missed the OR game a few years ago when one of your buddies threw a water bottle on the field and hit a cheer leader in the head. she spent the night in the hospital.


just curious, what years did you attend the ua and what is your major in?


No I did not miss that Oregon game. That was a shame and that idiot should be strung up. Also What happened on the mall that was so bad? just wondering. The truth is both schools have gotten a bad name. The UofA's has come more recently but its still no excuse. And if you must know I did not attend the UofA. I did not go to any college for that matter. Just an uneducated Tucson and Cats homer. I was born and raised in Tucson and still reside here. So judging by the crap you gave Casey I know what is coming my way. No I did not attend UA but that does not mean I cant be a fan and support my home town college. So let me have it Chris :unsure:

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doesn't appear I need to. and just so you know, I grew up in southern AZ and was a ua fan (my mom is a ua grad). I ended up going to ASU. it was not until I moved to Tucson that I learned to hate the ua courtesy of how their fans have treated me over the past 14 years. let me know where your season seats are and maybe we can get together at a game next year. you do have season tickets right?



Nope no season tickets. I choose to spend my money on more important stuff lol. Like my four children, hunting, fishing and camping trips blah blah blah. Its funny My uncle grew up in Buckeye and chose to go to the UofA. His parents wanted him to go to ASU (his dad was the principal of Buckeye HS) But that was just a little to close to home. They compromised and he ended up at UofA. He graduated in the late 70's. Hey listen I love sports. I love the UofA. It was always my dream to go the the UofA on a football scholarship. I never was that good. I had a few offers from some smaller schools but college was not my thing. I kind of regret not taking one of the offers now but truly I was done with football after the 10 years I played. And as far as how the Cat fans have treated you........Well what do you expect. Look at this thread and who started it lol. I don’t know who said what to you but lets agree that there are turds from both schools that give every fan base a bad name.......Right?


Oh and how did you END UP going to ASU?

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Threet is a very talented QB but he makes way to many mistakes

Haha, good luck with that. If Rich Rodriguez can't make a good quarterback out of him, Ericksen sure as heck won't.


I'm with Lark, unconditional hate is fundamental in a good rivalry. Sanity or good factual arguments are irrelevant because you have to stick with your team good or bad, win or lose, heroes or screw-ups. So piss off scumdevils, I hate you. Threet is a tool, scumdevil football sucks, Ericksen is a decrepit moron, and the team is composed of a bunch of thugs.


Also let's lay off the NAU bashing. The lumberjacks have given ASSu a good game more than once. It's only a matter of time :lol:


Also attending a school has no bearing on whether or not you can be a fan. The only true requirement is loyalty. Before you try and hammer me ScumDevil, I'm NAU alum and I'll have a doctorate from UofA in may. But even before I enrolled at Arizona I couldn't stand the pinchis scumdevils. Go Cats!

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Threet is a very talented QB but he makes way to many mistakes

Haha, good luck with that. If Rich Rodriguez can't make a good quarterback out of him, Ericksen sure as heck won't.


I'm with Lark, unconditional hate is fundamental in a good rivalry. Sanity or good factual arguments are irrelevant because you have to stick with your team good or bad, win or lose, heroes or screw-ups. So piss off scumdevils, I hate you. Threet is a tool, scumdevil football sucks, Ericksen is a decrepit moron, and the team is composed of a bunch of thugs.


Also let's lay off the NAU bashing. The lumberjacks have given ASSu a good game more than once. It's only a matter of time :lol:


Also attending a school has no bearing on whether or not you can be a fan. The only true requirement is loyalty. Before you try and hammer me ScumDevil, I'm NAU alum and I'll have a doctorate from UofA in may. But even before I enrolled at Arizona I couldn't stand the pinchis scumdevils. Go Cats!


Ummm good post but I'm pretty sure Lark was being sarcastic with that "you have to hate" deal. This is interesting I really hate ASU sports teams but as for their fans I cant say I hate all of them. I have friends that are die hard Cat fans and I have friends that are die hard Devil fans. And I have a lot of fans that couldn’t give two craps about either school. And I really don’t agree with the premise of "well if you didn’t go to the school then you are not a REAL fan". That’s just short sighted and foolish in my eyes. If that’s the case most of the schools fan bases would be much smaller. Could you imagine if the only people they let into games were graduates from that particular school. There are some great fans and great contributors of schools that never attended. I agree loyalty is where its at. I'm loyal to the Cats no matter what their win and loss record is. A fan is a fan we stick with our team through thick and thin.

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