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This is the latest proposal for the 2006 hunt seas

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As per a meeting with Leonard Ordway (Game Branch Chief with the AZ Game and Fish Dept.) today this is what the Department will recommend to the Commission at the Game and Fish Meeting in Yuma on February 10th in regards to their proposed archery elk hunting structures:


The existing archery elk hunting season in September will be shortened from 14 days to 10 days.


There will be approximately 300-400 of the archery bull elk tags removed from the existing September archery bull elk hunts in 6 different units (along with re-structuring the existing unit 22/23 November hunts) to create archery bull elk tags during a August (August 18-31) or a November (November 10-23) hunt structure.


The existing unit 22/23 archery bull elk hunts in November will be changed to having both units now having a September 22 - October 1 archery bull elk hunt. Unit 22 will also have some permits (less than last year) in the traditional November 10-23 hunt structure. Unit 23 will also have some permits in a new August 18-31 hunt structure.


Units: 1, 4A, 5A will be among the units that have some of the traditional September archery bull elk hunts removed to create an early (August 18-31) hunt structure. Units: 4B, 5B and 10 will be among the units that have some of the traditional September archery bull elk hunts removed to create a late (November 10-23) hunt structure. About (+/-) 50 tags will be taken from each of these September hunts to create the early/late hunts.


Changes from what we had discussed previously with the department: THE EXISTING ARCHERY BULL ELK HUNT IN SEPTEMBER WILL BE SHORTENED FROM 14 DAYS TO 10 DAYS. The new November archery hunt structure will be for bull only, not any elk. The new August hunt structure will be before the archery deer/turkey season, not a multi-species hunt. The trade for the new August and November hunt structures will likely be at less than a 2.5 to 1 ratio.


They will also propose the original changes recommended that would reduce the permits in the existing late December firearm coues deer hunt to create more permits in an October/November hunt structure.


If you don?t like these proposals you better be at the Game and Fish meeting in Yuma on Friday, February 10th to express your opinion to the commission before they accept the proposal. If you think you can wait to the April hunt set meeting to express your concerns you will be too late. The department will move forward with what ever proposals or recommendations that the commission gives them direction on at this February 10th meeting in Yuma. It would be very unlikely that they (Commission) would change their minds in April after they directed the department to move forward on such a huge change that would involve a lot of department time and money.


Yuma Game and Fish Meeting: Friday - February 10, 2006 - Shilo Inn - 1550 S. Castle Dome Road - Yuma - AZ

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We all need to take this very seriously. Make our voices heard if we disagree with this. We must act now and not wait till later, the time is right now. Email, write or call the AZGFD and voice your opinion..........Allen...........

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It's pretty obvious they are going to go through with their money grab...errr I mean "increased opportunity" agenda.

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I hate to be a pessimist, but I think that they are going go through with this no matter what opposition we voice. I went to the meeting in Mesa last week, and I got the feeling that Leonard Ordway had a very negative attitude toward public input, and he is determined to push this through. This is his first initiative in his new position, and he is planning on not losing face.



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Ditto that! The same goes from the wildlife mngrs as a friend that works the tucson areas told me that the overall feeling is that HE is listening to them but doesnt here them. Now when someone that works for the azgfd says that... We the residents are S.O.L. Seriously folks those proposals make me ill! This info is from a dedicated father and employee with a good record and no disgruntlement, considering the work they do and the hours and sometimes threats they contend with and then add the lack of pay on top, shoot, makes ya wonder if the FNG is tied in with USO or some other B.S. outfit!! Guess its a good thing that we parents can sign our tags over to our kids cause by the time I draw another elk tag I'll be so old and feeble I wont be able to pull 50 lbs.!! I'm mad as H E double sticks!!! Some one that is smarter than me needs to spell this out and let me know, other than the obvious, how does this benefit us the local crowd that supports year round w/ our other purchases and volonteer efforts etc? I sure as heck hope that the mngrs at the bottom of the food chain get a raise. That may be the only positive about this crap. I'm done,,,for now lets go to Yuma!!

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