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Unit 27

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Hello everyone,

I am new to this forum, but not new to hunting and the outdoors.

I am from Bisbee, I am currently deployed to Afghanistan and should be home in late May*crosses finger*. I am planning a shed hunting trip to Unit 27 in mid-June, where we usually do our archery elk hunting. I was just wondering if any body had any info or suggestions on where to look. I am not to familiar with the elk habits in spring and summer. I am thinking about looking in the pine thickets in bedding areas, how does that sound?

Thanks in advance for the info.


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I've seemed to find elk sheds along fencelines where they jump, in feeding meadows or along the treeline, and in the bedding areas. It's about that time to start looking.

Take care and make it back safe.



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Guest Ernesto C

I dont know what to say on where you should look but one thing I do know how to say it................may the Lord protect you, may the Lord send his angels to camp around you and may the Lord bring you back safe and full or victory and the same for all our soldiers inside and out side of this beatifull country,Amen.


And please let us know when you get back.............several members in here know unit 27 very well.


Ernesto C

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Unless they close the forests early, all the easy spots will have been picked over pretty well by June.... I don't know 27 that well but if you send me a PM I will tell you my $.02 worth of info. :)


I would like to personally Thank You and all the men & women over there with you. We owe you all a debt that we can never repay, but by telling you "Thanks" and letting you know that we Are thinking of you here at home. B)



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Amen Ernesto, and I want to say Thanks for all that you guys do, Good Luck and God Bless.

I am not familiar with 27, but I am sure someone will steer you in the right direction.

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Sambuckalong, I would also like to thank you for your commitment to keeping this great country free. My hunting partners son just returned from two tours in Iraq. In years past we have found quite a few sheds in the country just below the rim on both the Eagle Creek and Blue River Drainages. With no snow to have pushed the elk off you will probably find that elk are still using the meadows up on top. Mature bulls tend to stick to the south facing slopes in the mountain mahogany through the winter and early spring.

Good luck and God bless.

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Hey singleshot,

First off, thanks for your support also.

Secondly, thank you for the info, it will help greatly, and is much appreciated.


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People watch those big bulls and wait for the horns to fall off, in june try the canyons in the steepest ruffest areas. I know of one spot in unit27 where i have glassed a 5by5 shed and it's been sitting there for 5 years. Now it's pretty well eroded and im sure alot of people have seen it just never went to go get it. Probably because it's located on a private ranch!!! haha IN june you will also find alot of big elk antlers on the barns down the blue river rode. some guy has a collection on display down there mostly deer antlers and you drive right by it on the blue river rode. If anyone knows where to look for sheds in june you might ask the guy who owns that property. i don't know him, so don't say i sent you, but the areas around there are super steep and the canyons are tremendous.

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