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Draw Question

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I must have been asleep when this got changed....But since when can you put the same choice up to 5 times on the application? I thought you werent supposed to duplicate hunt numbers? Did i miss something? I bet this has been discussed and i tried searching but came up with nothing..


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Ya i did it. It let me do it. Hope I didnt screw up by doing that. I went back and read about the bonus point pass and the 1-2 choice pass, and it makes sense why they would let you put in the same choice twice. Cause if theres still tags after the 20% bonus point pass for that hunt, i would want to be considered for them also....

Used to be that if you duplicated hunt numbers, it would kick you out. doesnt seem to be the case now..

I guess I should pay closer attention...LOL

The reason I ask is my wife has 14 elk points and I have 9. We both want an early rifle hunt and are willing to wait... How long of a wait is the question...


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1% draws are statistically the toughest and let's not forget lady luck plays a part.....the wait could be another ten or this year, hoping for me it's this year :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

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put the same choice up to 5 times on the application?


If you are only using one hunt number, it makes no sense nor adds any advantage to put it down again for choices 2-5.


It sometimes does make sense to put the same hunt number as first and second choice if you wish to not have a lesser hunt selected in the 20% pass as second choice, and then have some 100% odds hunts listed as 3rd, 4th +/or 5th choices. But if you are holding out/building bonus points for a primo early hunt, you likely would not put a 100% hunt as #3-5 anyway ;)

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