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Ron G.

Went looking...

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Made it up north with my daughter this weekend. Spent as much time as possible looking for antlers and scouting for my upcoming turkey hunt. Didn't see or hear any turkeys, but did find fairly fresh tracks. Came up empty on finding antlers though. Haven't found any the couple of times out. Usually happens to me when I'm specifically looking for them. Talked to a G&F officer who said 5 mins before I stopped and talked to him had seen a nice 6x6 still packing. Maybe I'll find his while turkey hunting...


Did find this while out looking though.


This was taken from where I spotted it. Darn near stepped on it. Wouldn't have found it except I wandered up to see what my lab had found. He'd found a piece of the jawbone.


100 yds before finding that I found this.



Then less than a 100 yds later I found this.



The legs seem too fresh to me to be kills from this past years hunt. Not sure though. Makes me wonder what's up there killing critters???


Here's a few that my dad has found the last couple of weeks.



The base of the one on the left.



Hopefully I'll be able to fill my turkey tag and then spend some more time looking at the end of the month.


One last pic. Here's my daughter and I while out looking for sheds.




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Thats an awesome way to get your daughter out in the woods! She looks like she really enjoyed it, especially not having to do the hiking! I know I would! I heard one turkey gobbling at first light on Sun. in 6A, he did it a few times coming off is roost then shut up early. Made me wish I had a tag! Good luck with yours! JIM

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Cool pics :blink:

Looks like something is eating well.

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